
His Holiness Sakya Trizin enjoys a good laugh.

Tara Teaching from His Holiness the Sakya Trichen: Interview Q & A: Do you have a Tara Question? Chances are His Holiness Already Answered…

Tara is not a static concept. Instead of a seated Buddha, we think of her as a dynamic action heroine, the karma goddess helping and rescuing beings. Here in our concept from our Video "Boundless Heroine Tara" she is rescuing a caravan from bandits. This image is available in our dgital gallery for personal use, or for use in social media or sharing with credit to @BuddhaWeekly..

Boundless Heroine Tara: Bodhisattva, Mother, Saviour, Friend: Stories of Rescues and a Sadhana by Marpa the Translator


Limitless Tara, Beyond the Green: Mother of all the Buddhas, Goddess of Many Colors, Consort of Buddhas, Wisdom Mother, Action Hero…

Loving face of the Mother of All Buddhas Green Tara. Detail from art by Ben Christian.

Tara Principle: Wisdom, Compassion and Activity — the “practical” Karma Mother active in our daily, real-world lives

Tara is not a static concept. Instead of a seated Buddha, we think of her as a dynamic action heroine, the karma goddess helping and rescuing beings. Here in our concept from our Video "Boundless Heroine Tara" she is rescuing a caravan from bandits. This image is available in our dgital gallery for personal use, or for use in social media or sharing with credit to @BuddhaWeekly..

HAPPY TARA DAY! 2024 Tara Days: How, When, and Why we Celebrate the Mother of the Buddhas

Vajrayogini and Green Tara can be thought of as two aspects of the Wisdom Female Buddha.

Tara, the Saviour, and Vajrayogini the Sarvabuddhadakini: how are they different, and how are they the one? The importance of Female Buddhas: Wisdom personified

Composite feature image from Buddha Weekly illustrated Tara's green hands cradling the Earth.

April 22 is Earth Day, which makes it Tara’s day: nourishing, caring, mother-earth hands of Tara of the Khadira Fragrant Forest

Thumbnail for Mantra Video 11th Yellow Tara Vasudhara.

Video: 11th Tara Yellow Vasudhara Mantra 108 Times: Tara Who Enriches and Brings Prosperity

21 Tara's according to Atisha lineage.

21 Mother Taras — the unlimited forms of compassionate activity with mantras and visualizations

Composite feature image from Buddha Weekly illustrated Tara's green hands cradling the Earth.

Tara’s splendid Turquoise Pure Land Yurlod Kurpa, cooling rays of pure vision in the soothing shelter of the blooming lotus of faith

Lama Acharya Dr. Shannon Young

Female Enlightened Manifestations and Female Teachers and Lamas — Wisdom in Action; Reader Poll and Interview with Lama Shannon Young

Six White Taras mantras video thumbnail

The Six White Taras: Pacifying Activity of All the Buddhas with Video

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Tara’s Great Dharani and the Sutra of Tara Who Protects from the Eight Fears: in Tara’s Own Words

Chitachakra Wish-Granting White Tara with a rainbow aura of colors representing the five activities and protective tents.

Chintachakra White Wish-Granting Wheel Tara: The All-in-One Mother of Buddhas in Vajrayana Buddhism – Her Significance, Mantra and Why Her Practice is Essential

Tara 7 is Tara who is invincible, called Drolma Shyenkyi Mitupma. She is black, with a flaming sword, and her awesome acvitiy dispels war and natural disasters.

Black Tara — Destroyer of Enemies and Evil, Who Protects from All Negativities and Obstacles Internal or External

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TARA DAY — Puja and mantra practices to bring the swift saving and healing activity of Tara into your life

Guan Shi Yin, Goddess of Mercy, rescues all beings from harm if they call her name with faith according to Sutra.

Why is there still suffering in the world if Universal Mother Bodhisattva Kuan Yin Pusa (Tara, Kurukulla, Kannon) rescues beings from suffering

A beautiful devotional practice is to paint your own statues. This beautiful "thanka painted" statue of Chittamani Tara started out as an unpainted bronze. Buddha Weekly's volunteer art director Kam Yu, as a devotional practice to Tara, beautifully painted and decorated a Chittamni Tara statue after filling with mantras and blessings. This is one of the most beautiful practices of devotion. He painted the flowers blue, and jewelry in gold foil. The body is matte varnished while the silk clothing with elaborate designs painted on, are glossy. As a final touch he added Turquoise and coral gems.

“Mind Jewel” Green Tara – a Highest Yoga Tantra practice of Chittamani Tara (Cittamani), Mother of all the Buddhas

Marici, Enemy of all Maras, Goddess of the Dawn. This statue is painted as a Dharma practice, by Buddha Weekly's Creative Director.

Great enemy of the maras: Marici — “Ray of Light” Bodhisattva Goddess — protective Bodhisattva for “turbulent times”; aspect of glorious Mother Tara: includes Dharani mantra

Green Tara beautiful face

Tara’s eight great laughters — transforming the eight demons and fears; relying on the Mother of the Buddhas

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21 Taras powerful Dharani Mantras in Sacred Sanskrit as taught by Buddha: how to chant and why it is so effective

21 Taras according to the Nyingma Terma tradition, courtesy (and with permission) of VajrayanaPrint on Etsy. This is a rare horizontal format of the 21 Taras. (Most Thangkas are vertical) making this very special and unique. Contact VajrayanaPrint for information>>

21 Taras in the Narjuna, Atisha and Nyingma lineages: a profound, powerful, precise, pleasing daily practice

Happy Tara Day!

Tara Puja Day — Why it’s important; simple ways to celebrate, how to participate; sponsoring pujas for merit; offering from the heart

Chittamani Tara's face, a detail from a painting by Jampay Dorje (Ben Christian).

Tara protects us from the eight great external dangers and eight internal obstacles

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How Tara Buddha saved my life — appearing beside my hospital bed

Ushnisha Vijaya close up of the three faces.

Long-Life Buddha Uṣṇīṣavijayā — Victorious Crown Ushnisha Vijaya and Her Dharani create the conditions for longevity, good health and auspiciousness

Composite feature image from Buddha Weekly illustrated Tara's green hands cradling the Earth.

Overcoming the Poison of Jealousy with Mudita, “Sympathetic Joy”! How can joyful Tara, and other methods, help us overcome the dangerous klesha of Envy?


Tara the Windy Liberator, the Mother, the Activity Heroine: “Green Tara functions throughout our world” the activity of all the Enlightened Ones

Stunning image of Palden Lhamo, the Queen of the End of War by Jampay Dorje (Ben Christian). She is flanked by blue Makaravaka on the left; and red Simhavakra on the right.

Palden Lhamo, the Terrifying Female Protector aspect of Tara: “Sole Mother, Lady Victorious Over the Three Worlds”

Thangka artist Angeli Shkonda has painted stunning Tara paintings in the Karma Gadri tradition for ten years.

21 Taras Surya Gupta Thanka — stunning art by Angeli Lhadripa Shkonda: interview featuring 21 Tara closeups

Parnashavari is the 20th Tara emanation of the 21 (some traditions) and is "Supreme healer" emanation of Tara.

Healing Parnashavari — Tara’s Healing emanation: specialist in Contagious Disease, Illness, Pandemic: How to practice her mantra and sadhana

Detail of a painting of Tara 1, Heroic Red Tara, by V.V. Sapar of the first Tara in the Surya Gupta sytem. In the background is the Lotus Face of Avalokiteshvara. (Full image below in the feature.)

Mother Tara’s many-armed protective embrace: 21 Taras according to Surya Gupta — with 8 videos and mantras and stunning art

Venerable Zasep Rinpoche teaching at a Tara weekend using the commentary book, Tara in the Palm of Your Hand, as a reference.

Book Review: Tara in the Palm of Your Hand: a guide to the practice of the twenty-one Taras in the Surya Gupta lineage

Green Tara's kind face. Tara is known as Tara the Rescuer.

Mama Buddha Tara: Compassionate Action; Stories of Green Tara the Rescuer — How She Can Help You

Buddha-Weekly-White Tara Video long life practice guided meditation series title-Buddhism

White Tara long life practice video with special 5-colors protection light guided visualization from Venerable Zasep Rinpoche

A cropped section of a stunning thangka of Chittimani Tara, the Highest Yoga Tantra aspect of Green Tara, by Jampay Dorje (Ben Christian). See this feature interview with this amazing artist in Buddha Weekly>>

Longing for Tara — “Hook me with your great love and kindness to liberate me…”

Jason Espada recites In Praise of Tara in this meditative recited video with meditational images of Tara.

Video: In Praise of Tara, written and recited by Jason Espada — Praising the Mother of All the Buddhas


Kurukulla: the “Diva” Dakini of enlightened magic; the enchantress transforms seduction into ‘the cause of wisdom’

Shakyamuni subdues an elephant with loving kindness and the Abhaya gesture. The elephant was enraged by evil Devadatta.

Overcoming Fear: Three Remedies for Fear; What Buddha had to Say About Fearlessness in Abhaya Sutta

Heroic Red Tara Pravita Tara the first Tara of the 21 Taras in the Surya Gupta System. Video with chanting by Yoko Dharma.

Heroic Red Tara: First of the 21 Taras in the Surya Gupta Tradition — Video Visualization with Mantra Chanting Yoko Dharma

Don't let the kind face of Mother Tara fool you — even the most wrathful of deities bow to her Wisdom activity. The question is not whether She can help — there's no question of that — but whether it's appropriate to ask an Enlightened Buddha for mundane help. (Hint, She's a forgiving mother, of course it's okay to ask!)

Home Retreat: a meritorious use of time while socially isolated during COVID-19 crisis. Dedicate the merit of Green Tara home retreat to all suffering beings

In the Surya Gupta tradition of 21 Taras, each Tara manifests with different appearances.

Part 3: 21 Taras of Mahasidda Suryagupta: after curing him of leprosy, Tara taught him Her Twenty-One forms

Detail of one of the 21 Taras according to the Surya Gupta tradition, where each Tara manifests with different iconography.

Part 2, Surya Gupta 21 Taras: meditating on virtuous body of Tara; distinct embodiments of Tara’s Compassion and Wisdom

V. V. Sapar working on the one of the 21 Taras canvases, a commission from Dzongsar Rinpoche. This Tara is Tara 3 Golden Colour Tara Kanaka Vana Tara Ser Mo Serdok Chen Ge Drolma.

Interview: master artist V.V. Sapar discussing his 21 Taras project for Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche — art as a spiritual practice

White Tara, Mother of the Wisdom of the Buddhas.

“Who is Tara?” — the miraculous, mystical and marvelous view. Book excerpt from “A Belief in the Miraculous” — Jason Espada

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha is Green Tara's mantra. Green Tara is the rescuer, the mother of all the Buddhas and of all beings — Wisdom is mother — and she is known for her quick action on behalf of those who call her name for help.

Video: chanting Green Tara by Yoko Dharma; from our guided meditation series, Green Tara images and mantra to empower your practice

Tam syllable beautiful green light emanates-Condo-ca-Canada-Condominium-Magazine

Green Tara guided meditation video, guided by H.E. Zasep Rinpoche with beautiful Tara images and animations; finishing with magnificent Tara mantra chanted by Yoko Dharma

Venerable Zasep Rinpoche teaching at a Tara weekend using the commentary book, Tara in the Palm of Your Hand, as a reference.

Tara Book excerpt and teaching: Who is Tara and how can She help us? An introduction to Tara, Karma, Shunyata, Dependent Arising, and Buddha Nature by Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

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