Volunteers: Writers and Contributors

Buddha Weekly is proud of our growing team of 33 volunteer writers, editors, and video editors (most named below). They bring a diverse view of Buddhism, covering most schools and traditions. Click on any photo or name to see their wonderful Dharma features. Are you interested in submitting a feature? Please first see our writer guidelines (here>>), then please use our contact form here>>.

Editor | Author
Lee Kane is the Editor-in-Chief of Buddha Weekly, since 2007 and contributing writer. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events. Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines.
Editor | Author
Josephine Nolan is an editor and contributing feature writer for several online publications including Buddha Weekly. She is Editor-in-Chief for Blogertize Publications. She is Editor-in-Chief of our new sister publication True Rebirth, at https://truerebirth.com.

Kam W Yu

Video Editor | Designer
Kam Wai Yu was born and raised as a Buddhist and is extremely devoted to the Dharma. Kam volunteers his time to design the Buddha Weekly website and is also the editor on the Buddha Weekly teaching video series. He is a well-known creative director, with a portfolio of award-winning work.
Buddha Weekly contributing writer Dr. Deepika Chamoli Shahi is a Psychologist, currently a clinical training and research lead at Mom’s Belief, with a PhD in Psychology from Amity University Noida Campus. Dr. Deepika Chomoli worked with His Holiness Drikyung Kyabgong Chetsang Rinpoche on the Manjushri mantra cognitive research. Dr. Deepika Chamoli is a practicing Buddhist, author of several books and research papers, and a volunteer reviewer for ayur gyan nyas.
Jason Espada is a writer and classical musician living in San Francisco; a steward of his father’s photography, and the founder of abuddhistlibrary.com. These days his focus is on the connection between spirituality and social action. His new website is jasonespada.com.
Musician | Artist
I sing to create awareness and positive global change. Invoking healing, peace and transformation through the power of music, my intention and my lyrics. As I grow and cultivate these things in my own life, my motivation is to inspire others to do so as well.
A Psychology and Philosophy student, from Dundee, Scotland: "We all have strength enough to bear the misfortunes of others."
I am a Buddhist who follows in the tradition of Buddhist nun Pema Chodron, Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, but I enjoy teachings from all Buddhist traditions.
Trevor McDonald is a freelance writer, avid yogi and writes extensively about recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. He has been in recovery and sober for over five years. Since his recovery began, he has enjoyed using his talent for words to help spread treatment resources, addiction awareness and general health knowledge.
“I’m a Buddhist, Quaker, Humanist, existentialist and pacifist. Budding professor of religion. Love many subjects, bilingual third year uni student.”
Sarmad Ishfaq, contributing writer.

Sarmad Ishfaq

Sarmad Ishfaq works as a research fellow for the Lahore Center for Peace Research. He completed his Masters in International Studies and graduated as the 'Top Graduate' from the University of Wollongong in Dubai. He has several publications in peer-reviewed journals and magazines in the areas of counter-terrorism/terrorism and the geopolitics of South Asia and the GCC.
Dave Lang contributes to several online magazines. He is Buddhist, more or less a "Chan Buddhist" — and his special bow goes to Bodhidharma, his Dharma Hero. He is also an avid martial artist.
Josh Reichmann is a multi-disciplinary artist and dharma student-teacher. He relays epochal shifting visions through modernist views of spiritual practice, devotion, and creative artifacts.
Sally Keys is a professional writer specializing in meditation methods, health, secular Buddhism and technology.
Special contributor Adam Cook, who runs AddictionHub.org became involved in helping people with addiction after an experience with a loved one. Although not specifically a Buddhist topic, we thought it was an important feature — especially with his focus on helpful suggestions for those coping with addiction. Some of his suggestions work equally well with people struggling with excessive cravings.
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