Mangala Sutta: The Sutra on Happiness; Buddha teaches the 11 blessings, those things which bring happiness

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    I heard these words of the Buddha one time when the Lord was living in the vicinity of Savatthi at the Anathapindika Monastery in the Jeta Grove. Late at night, a deva appeared whose light and beauty made the whole Jeta Grove shine radiantly. After paying respects to the Buddha, the deva asked him a question in the form of a verse[1]:

    “Many gods and men are eager to know
    what are the greatest blessings
    which bring about a peaceful and happy life.
    Please, Tathagata, will you teach us?”


    Buddha Weekly buddha teaching Buddhism
    Shakyamuni Buddha teaching.


    (This is the Buddha’s answer):

    “Not to be associated with the foolish ones,
    To live in the company of wise people,
    Honoring those who are worth honoring
    This is the greatest happiness.


    Shakyamuni Buddha Teaches the Eightfold Path

    “To live in a good environment,
    To have planted good seeds
    And to realize that you are on the right path
    This is the greatest happiness.

    “To have a chance to learn and grow,
    To be skillful in your profession or craft,
    Practicing the precepts and loving speech
    This is the greatest happiness.


    Buddha Weekly buddha teaching at night Buddhism
    Buddha teaching.


    “To be able to serve and support your parents,
    To cherish your own family,
    To have a vocation that brings you joy
    This is the greatest happiness.

    “To live honestly, generous in giving,
    To offer support to relatives and friends,
    Living a life of blameless conduct
    This is the greatest happiness.

    “To avoid unwholesome actions,
    Not caught by alcoholism or drugs,
    And to be diligent in doing good things
    This is the greatest happiness.

    “To be humble and polite in manner,
    To be grateful and content with a simple life,
    Not missing the occasion to learn the Dharma
    This is the greatest happiness.

    “To persevere and be open to change,
    To have regular contact with monks and nuns,
    And to fully participate in Dharma discussions
    This is the greatest happiness.

    “To live diligently and attentively,
    To perceive the Noble Truths,
    And to realize nirvana

    This is the greatest happiness.

    “To live in the world
    With your heart undisturbed by the world,
    With all sorrows ended, dwelling in peace
    This is the greatest happiness.

    “For the one who accomplishes this
    Is unvanquished wherever she goes;
    Always he is safe and happy
    Happiness lives within oneself.”


    [1] Translation and source: Hanh, Thich Nhat. Awakening of the Heart: Essential Buddhist Sutras and Commentaries (pp. 497-498). Parallax Press. Kindle Edition.

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    Josephine Nolan

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Josephine Nolan is an editor and contributing feature writer for several online publications, including EDI Weekly and Buddha Weekly.

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