NEW MUSIC DHARANI RELEASE! Ushnisha Vijaya Namgyalma Long Dharani from Sutra chanted three times beautifully in Sanskrit!

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    Ushnisha Vijaya Dharani albumBuddha Weekly
    Ushnisha Vijaya Long Dharani from Buddha Weekly is available on your favorite streaming and music app.

    NEW exciting music release of Ushnisha Vijaya Long Dharani from Buddha Weekly’s team, original music, composition, vocals and recording, available on Music Streaming.

    Ushnisha Vijaya’s Dharani, taught by Shakyamuni Buddha to Devaputra — who discovered he only had seven days left to live! — has a long history of extensive benefits. Learn more about this Dharani, complete with the history, translations, benefits and the entire sutra translated, see our new feature>>



    According to the text, major applications of this dhāraṇī include:

    • Destroy calamities and rescue those in difficulties
    • Eliminate offenses and create good deeds
    • Purify all karmic obstructions
    • Increase blessings and lengthen lifespan
    • Attain anuttarā-samyak-saṃbodhi
    • Relieve beings in the ghost realm
    • Benefit birds, animals and all crawling creatures
    • Increase wisdom
    • Revert the fixed karma
    • Eliminate various illness
    • Destroy hells
    • Ensure the safety of the households, and having children to inherit the family pride
    • Harmonise husbands and wives
    • Be able to reborn in Sukhavati or other pure lands
    • Heal sickness inflicted by pretas
    • Request for rain, etc.


    namo bhagavate trailokya prativiśiṣṭāya buddhāya bhagavate

    tadyathā oṃ viśodhaya viśodhaya

    asamasama samanta avabhāsa spharaṇa gati gahana svabhāva viśuddhe

    abhiṣiñcatu māṃ

    sugata vara vacana

    amṛta abhiṣeke mahāmantra pāne

    āhara āhara āyuḥ sandhāraṇi

    śodhaya śodhaya gagana viśuddhe

    uṣṇīṣa vijaya viśuddhe

    sahasraraśmi sañcodite

    sarva tathāgata avalokana ṣaṭpāramitā paripūraṇi

    sarva tathāgata mati daśa-bhūmi prati-ṣṭhite

    sarva tathāgata hṛdaya adhiṣṭhāna adhiṣṭhita mahāmudre

    vajrakāya saharaṇa viśuddhe

    sarva āvaraṇa apāya durgati pariviśuddhe

    pratinirvartaya āyuḥ śuddhe

    samaya adhiṣṭhite maṇi maṇi mahāmaṇi

    tathātā bhūta koṭi pariśuddhe

    visphuṭa buddhi śuddhe

    jaya jaya vijaya vijaya smara smara

    sarva buddha adhiṣṭhita śuddhe

    vajre vajra garbhe vajraṃ bhavatu mama śarīraṁ

    sarva sattvānāṁ ca kāya pariviśuddhe

    sarva gati pariśuddhe

    sarva tathāgatāśca me sama āśvāsayantu

    sarva tathāgata sama āśvāsa adhiṣṭhite

    budhya budhya vibudhya vibudhya

    bodhaya bodhaya vibodhaya vibodhaya

    samanta pariśuddhe

    sarva tathāgata hṛdaya adhiṣṭhāna adhiṣṭhita mahāmudre svāhā

    In Devanāgarī Script:-

    नमो भगवते त्रैलोक्य प्रतिविशिष्टाय बुद्धाय भगवते

    तद्यथा ॐ विशोधय विशोधय

    असमसम समन्त अवभास स्फरण गति गहन स्वभाव विशुद्धे

    अभिषिञ्चतु मां

    सुगत वर वचन

    अमृत अभिषेके महामन्त्र पाने

    आहर आहर आयुः सन्धारणि

    शोधय शोधय गगन विशुद्धे

    उष्णीष विजय विशुद्धे

    सहस्ररश्मि सञ्चोदिते

    सर्व तथागत अवलोकन षट्पारमिता परिपूरणि

    सर्व तथागत हृदय अधिष्ठान अधिष्ठित महामुद्रे

    वज्रकाय सहरण विशुद्धे

    सर्व आवरण अपाय दुर्गति परिविशुद्धे

    प्रतिनिर्वर्तय आयुः शुद्धे

    समय अधिष्ठिते मणि मणि महामणि

    तथाता भूत कोटि परिशुद्धे

    विस्फुट बुद्धि शुद्धे

    जय जय विजय विजय स्मर स्मर

    सर्व बुद्ध अधिष्ठित शुद्धे

    वज्रे वज्र गर्भे वज्रं भवतु मम शरीरं

    सर्व सत्त्वानां च काय परिविशुद्धे

    सर्व गति परिशुद्धे

    सर्व तथागताश्च मे सम आश्वासयन्तु

    सर्व तथागत सम आश्वास अधिष्ठिते

    बुध्य बुध्य विबुध्य विबुध्य

    बोधय बोधय विबोधय विबोधय

    समन्त परिशुद्धे

    सर्व तथागत हृदय अधिष्ठान अधिष्ठित महामुद्रे स्वाहा

    Translation of the Sanskrit Dharani:

    Namo bhagavate, trailokya prativisistaya,

    Adoration to the blessed, in the triple world the most excellent,

    buddhaya bhagavate! Tadyatha Om!

    to the enlightened! Adoration to the blessed! Namely: Om!

    Vishodhaya, vishodhaya – asama-sama,

    Cleanse, cleanse – the always impartial,


    being in possession of all-pervading, all-illuminating light,

    gati gahana, svabhava vishuddhe abhisinchatu!

    cleansed of the darkness of the five paths of existence, the pure in-himself

    Mam, Sugata, vara vachana amirta abhisekai maha,

    Consecrate us, Sugata, with an immortal consecration which consists of the best words,

    mantra-padai! Ahara, ahara

    the great true phrases! Remove disasters, remove disasters,

    ayuh sam-dharani! Sodhaya, sodhaya,

    holder of an eternal life! Cleanse us, cleanse us,

    gagana visuddhe usnisa vijaya vishuddhe,

    the as-pure-as-the-sky, as the victorious head-crown as pure,

    sahashra-rasmi sam-chodite!

    the inflamed with a thousand rays of light!

    Sarva tathagata avalokani,

    O One overseeing the thus-gone ones,


    the perfect in the six paramitas!

    Sarva tathagata mati dasha-bhumi prati-sthite!

    O One who has passed all ten stages of tathagata-consciousness!

    Sarva tathagata hirdaya adhisthanadhisthita maha-mudre,

    O One who from the heart of every tathagata the spiritual power emanating holds

    maha-mudre, vujra kaya sam-hatana vishuddhe!

    the great seal, whose body is as adamantine and pure as diamond!

    Sarva varana apaya-durgati pari vishuddhe prati-nivartaya ayuh shuddhe!

    O One who is thoroughly cleansed of all return-compelling karma!

    Samaya adhisthite, mani, mani, maha mani! Tathata,

    Keep your promise, jewel, jewel, great jewel! Suchness,

    bhuta-koti parishuddhe visphuta buddhi shuddhe, jaya, jaya,

    the absolute pinnacle of evolved purity of mind, be victorious, be victorious;

    vijaya; vijaya! Smara; smara!

    be ever victorious; be ever victorious! Bear in mind; bear in mind!

    Sarva buddha adhisthita shuddhe!

    O One who of all buddhas is the pure and appointed!

    Vajri vajragarbhe, vajram bhavatu mama shariram!

    Vajra-holding diamond-womb, let my body be like diamond!

    Sarva sattva’am cha kaya –

    O One who possesses a pure body –

    pari vishuddhe sarva gati parishuddhe –

    who is absolutely pure from all the paths of existence –

    sarva tathagata singcha me samasvasayantu,

    O One who consoles me by all the tathagatas,

    sarva tathagata samasvasa adhisthite,

    O One who is empowered with all the consoling power of the tathagatas,

    budhiya, budhiya, vibudhiya, vibudhiya!

    be enlightened, be enlightened, be ever enlightened, be ever enlightened!

    Bodhaya, bodhaya, vibhodhaya,

    Have them enlightened, have them enlightened, have them ever enlightened,

    vibodhaya, samanta parishuddhe!

    have them ever enlightened, the most pure in a thoroughgoing way!

    Sarva tathagata hirdya adhisthanadhisthita

    O One who from the heart of every tathagata the spiritual power emanating holds

    maha-mudre, svaha!

    the great seal, hail!

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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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