HAPPY TARA DAY! 2024 Tara Days: How, When, and Why we Celebrate the Mother of the Buddhas

In 2024 Tara Dates Are:
These are the Tara Days on the 8th of the Lunar Month:
- January 18
- February 17
- March 17
- April 16
- May 15
- June 14
- July 14
- August 12
- September 11
- October 10
- November 9
- December None — as it’s an astrological skip month with no 8th day.
- NOTE: Also, celebrate Tara, Amitabha or Medicine Buddha on Full Moon Dates. See Full Moon Dates.
- Do you have a question about Tara? Chances are His Holiness Sakya Trichen already answered>>
Meritorious for Tara Days is reciting her special Sutra: Sutra of Tara Who Protects from the Eight Fears with her Great Dharani:
Meritorious activities for Her day
- Her mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha
- Tara Puja. Tara Four Mandala Puja.
- Any Dharma activity
- Vegetarian or Vegan for the day
- 21 Praises of Tara (below)
- Any Tara practice or Sadhana.
- Offerings to Tara (seven or eight bowls of water representing the sensory offerings)
- Try the 20 minutes Green Tara meditation and practice (below) or the Tara mantra video
- Tea or torma activity offering (see simple dedication below.)
Tara’s mantra chanted by Buddha Weekly:
Helpful practice and information links on Tara
- Our special Tara feature section (over 25 features, including some practice tools and help)>>
- Our latest feature on Tara “Tara’s Play Mind”>>
- Guided video meditation on Tara>>
- Tara’s Sutra>>
- Song to Tara feature>> (Full song below as well)
- Stories of Tara’s rescues and saving power>>
- Feature on White Tara (healing)>>
- Our full feature on Tara>>
The full story of Tara and Her Rescues of Sentient Beings:
21 Praises in Sanskrit
Chanting the Dharani of 21 Praises to Tara in original Sanskrit is the most sacred and powerful of practices. The 21 Taras Mantra Dharanis in Sanskrit, as taught by Buddha in the Kangyur, became popularized as the 21 Homages or 21 Praises to Tara. When chanted in the original Sanskrit, the 21 Praises to Tara are 21 potent and powerful Dharanis (long-form mantras). Although popularized as both a Tibetan and English 21 Praise chant, in its Sanskrit Holy syllable form, it is an original Dharani as taught by the Buddha. In its Tibetan or English form, it loses its sacred vibrational sound and the actual “meaning” (translation) is significantly more simplified in other languages.
The Dharani is nuanced and profound in Sanskrit. In its Sanskrit form it is a Dharani or mantra (or series of 21 Dharanis), but in other languages it becomes more of a “chanted prayer or praise” or hymn. For example, Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha, the famous and powerful mantra of Tara, if translated to English is simply, “I prostrate to Tara the liberator, mother of all the victorious ones” — beautiful, but lacking the sacred sound vibrations of mantra, and missing the nuanced and layered meaning of each syllable:
Tara’s mantra, a complete practice
21 English Praises: Singable
1. Heroic Red Tara
Homage to You, the Swift One, the Heroine,
Your gaze is as quick as flashes of lightning
Who arose from the majestic carolla
From the Lotus face of the Lord of Three Worlds.
2. Moonlight White Tara
Homage to You with a face that resembles
The gathering of one hundred autumn full moons
And who with the brightness of stars by the thousands
Shines in a vast perfect light of resplendence.
3. Golden Color Tara
Homage to You divine golden-blue Goddess
Whose hands are adorned by water-born lotus.
Embody Six Perfections: Giving, Patience
Ethics, Concentration, Vigor, and Wisdom
4. Golden Tara of Crown Victorious
Homage to You who crowns Buddha’s ushnishas,
Whose victorious actions have no limit.
Who has attained ev’ry transcendent wisdom,
On whom the Bodhisattvas themselves rely.
5. Tara Proclaiming the Sound of HUM
Homage to You who with HUM and TUTTARA,
Fill all worlds of desire, direction, space.
Who with your feet press down on the Seven Worlds;
You subdue all beings under your power.
6. Tara Victorious Over the Three Levels of World
Homage to You praised by Indra and Agni,
Brahma, Vayu, Ishvara and all the gods
All the spirits, zombies, and the smell-eaters,
Even the Yakshas give praise in Your presence.
7. Tara Who Crushes Adversaries
Homage to You who with the TRAY and PEY sounds,
Crush every magical wheel, evil forces,
Right leg extended and left bent, you trample,
You burn them completely in Your whirling fire.
8. Tara Who Gives Supreme Spiritual Power
Homage to You, TURE, the Boundless Fierce One,
Who totally destroys leaders of maras.
Whose lotus-like face forms furious wrinkles,
You annihilate foes without exception.
9. Tara of the Khadira Fragrant Forest
Homage to You whose fingers held at Your chest,
Displaying the mudra of the Three Jewels;
Beautiful swirling light in your precious hands
Dharma wheels connect every direction.
10. Tara Who Dispels All Suffering
Homage to You, the majestic and joyful
With brilliant garlands of light around your crown
With the great clangor of laughter TUTTARA
Over power all the worlds and the maras.
11. Tara Who Summons All Beings and Dispels Misfortune
Homage to You, endowed with the great power,
To draw assembly of worldly guardians.
The One who with the HUM of wrathful wrinkles
You rescue completely from all poverty.
12. Tara Who Grants Prosperity and Brings About Aupsiciousness
Homage to You, who is crowned with crescent moon,
And whose ornaments so brilliantly sparkle.
Amitabha in front of your ushnisha,
Eternally radiating beams of light.
13. Tara the Complete Rinpener
Homage to You, who dwell in garlands of flames
Engulfed in fire like the end of the aeon.
Right leg outstretched and left bent with blissful joy
Who with your power destroy all enemies.
14. Wrathful, Shaking and Frowning Tara
Homage to You, striking the ground with your hand
And crushing the earth with your majestic foot.
With wrathful, wrinkled face and the sound of HUM
You fully subdue seven levels of worlds.
15. Tara the Great Peaceful One Who Provides Virtues
Homage to You, happy, virtuous and peaceful,
Who acts from eternal bliss of Nirvana.
And who with the pure sounds of OM and SVAHA,
Eliminates the most unwholesome Karmas!
16. Tara Destroyer of All Attachment
Homage to You, who turns the Wheel of Dharma
For truly devoted, who love the teachings
Crushing enemies — all types of obstacles
with the Hum and the ten syllable mantra.
17. Tara Accomplisher of Joy and Bliss
Homage to You with feet stamping and Ture
Whose essence is the sacred syllable Hum.
You cause Mount Meru, Mandhara and Vindhya
Making all three worlds to tremble and shake!
18. Victorious Tara Who Increases Realizations
Homage to You, holding the moon in Your hand
Like a celestial ocean of nectar.
Sound of the PEY and the twice uttered TARA
You completely dispel every poison.
19. Tara, Extinguisher of All Suffering
Homage to You on whom the devas rely
And also the lords of all the Gandharvas.
Your armor of joy, a radiant brightness,
You eliminate arguments and nightmares.
20. Tara, Source of All Powerful Attainments
Homage to You, whose two eyes are shining bright,
Brilliant with light like the sun and the full moon.
Saying HARA twice and TUTTARE again
You clear and eliminate epidemics.
21. Tara of the Perfection of Wisdom and Compassion
Homage to You whose pure Body, Speech and Mind
Are perfect with the strength and power of peace.
Suppressing Maras, Dons, Zombies and Yakshas
With the most exalted syllable TURE.
20-Minute Tara Meditation
Follow along with Venerable Zasep Rinpoche, author of Tara in the Palm of Your Hand, for a guided 20-minute meditation and practice of Tara
Tea or Torma offering
Bopar Rinpoche, in his wonderful book Tara The Feminine Divine, recommends that in addition to general offerings of water bowls, flowers, incense, that someone seeking a special activity from the great Saving Goddess consider a Torma (cake) offering. Likewise, the same offering can be made as hot tea — traditionally indicating “activity offering.”

After presenting and purifying the offering — OM AH HUM being a widely used purification mantra — he suggests the traditional activity dedication (substitute “tea offering” as appropriate):
“Tara, You who fully rejoice in the mandala creation, consume this well-made offering torma. Give me and people around me: health, life, power, glory, fame, luck, and abundent wealth. Give me the accomplishments of activities, such as purification, increase and others. You who have made the promise protect me, give me the support of all accomplishments. Brush away untimely death and illness, demons and creators of obstacles. Brush away bad dreams, inauspicious signs and unwholesome acts. Make the world happy, the years excellent, the harvest bountiful. Make the Dharma spread, happiness perfect and may all my wishes be realized.”
NOTE: If it makes you feel awkward to demand so many wonderful activities, there’s no need to be. Tara will provide what our karma and our needs dictate.

21 Praises in English (Traditional Translation)

A Song of Longing for Tara, the Infallible
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Lee Kane
Author | Buddha Weekly
Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.