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Written Features on Buddha Weekly


As our thank you for your important support of the mission "Spreading the Dharma" we try to post our features as early access for you — unless the content is time-sensitive. Scroll down for some of our member-early access content.

All of our content is always free to everyone — that's our mission. The early access is just our thank you!

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Ad-Free HD Videos


As our thank you to supporting members, we have created an Ad-Free video library in the member's section. (Ads on our Youtube videos help fund the high costs of production.) Scroll down for some of our member videos.

Although our video recording team are all volunteers, video production — with scripts, stock video, stock music, and original recordings — is expensive.

Supporting Member Video: 8 Great Bodhisattvas: 8 Practices, Sadhana and 8 Mantras

Who are the Eight Great Bodhisattvas and why are they so important to Mahayana Buddhist practice? Why are they also called the Eight Great Heirs or Eight Great Heroes? In what way do they represent the Eight Great Qualities of...
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Supporting Member Video: 3 Supremes: Vajrasattva, Tara, Ushnisha Vijaya: Purification, Removing Suffering, Enlightenment

Three Supremes Video: About Tara, Vajrasattva and Ushnisha Vijaya.
Supporting Member Video: 3 Supremes: Vajrasattva, Tara, Ushnisha Vijaya: Purification, Removing Suffering, Enlightenment 2
Why are Vajrasattva, Tara and Ushnisha Vijaya described as the Three Supremes or the Three Special Deities? What is their triad of practice? Why are Purification, overcoming...
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Supporting Members Video: 7th Wrathful Black Tara Mantra Crushes Enemies, Black Magic, War, Natural Disasters, Evil

On Youtube to general public, the video releases on Tuesday Oct 22.
Supporting Members Video: 7th Wrathful Black Tara Mantra Crushes Enemies, Black Magic, War, Natural Disasters, Evil 3
Black Tara's powerful mantra is the ultimate of protections, 7th Black Tara (of 21 Taras) chanted 108 times in Sanskrit with beautiful new...
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Supporting Members Video: 16 Red Tara Mantra: Tara Who Increases Wisdom and Overcomes Enemies, Evil Magic, Disaster

16th Red Tara Blazing with Light Mantra video.
Supporting Members Video: 16 Red Tara Mantra: Tara Who Increases Wisdom and Overcomes Enemies, Evil Magic, Disaster 4
Red Blazing Tara is also known as “Red Tara Who Arises from the Hum of Intrinsic Awareness” and like all Red Tara’s her mantra magnetizes the powers we...
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Supporting Members Video: 20th Saffron Red Tara 108 Times Sanskrit Mantra Dispels Epidemics and Disease

20th Saffron Red Tara Dispels Epidemics and Diseases
Supporting Members Video: 20th Saffron Red Tara 108 Times Sanskrit Mantra Dispels Epidemics and Disease 5
Mantra: om tare tuttare ture visharata svaha ॐतरेतुत्तरेतुरेविसरतास्वहा Video: This supplicates Saffron Red Tara (Orange-Red) -- Red Tara, Remover of Disease --  to magnetize the conditions necessary...
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Supporting Member Video: 4 Practices of Multiplied-Merit Lunar Days: Practicing Activity, Merit, Reflection, Renewal

Why are lunar days, such as the new moon and full moon special in Buddhism? What are the four special practice days based on lunar phases that have extra merit for Dharma practice? Why is the New Moon on the...
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Supporting Members Video: 14 Invincible Black Tara: Mantra Destroys 9 Types of Evil and 8 Types of Harm-Doers

Invincible Black Tara, 14th of the 21 Taras.
Supporting Members Video: 14 Invincible Black Tara: Mantra Destroys 9 Types of Evil and 8 Types of Harm-Doers 6
The Fourteenth Tara is also called “Black Tara Who is Frowning Wrathfully” With her great pestle and mortar, she destroys, crushes, and transforms all harm-doers: any evil Maras,...
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Supporting Members Mantra Video: 12 Yellow Gold Tara Mantra of Auspiciousness: Endless Knot of Balance, Good Fortune, Blessings, Harvests, Growth, Balance

om tare tuttare ture mangalam svaha ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे मङलम स्वहा  This is a supplication for auspicious “mangalam” (Sanskrit for aupsiciousness or good fortune) circumstances in our life. In Sanskrit her name is: Tārā Maṅgalārthā (Tara of Auspiciousness.) Video:...
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Supporting Members: Red Black Tara Who Averts War and Anger, Tara 13 Mantra Ablaze with Flames

Red Black Tara Who Averts War and Anger, Tara 13 Mantra Ablaze with Flames
Supporting Members: Red Black Tara Who Averts War and Anger, Tara 13 Mantra Ablaze with Flames 7
Tara 13 of the 21 Taras is called “Tara who destroys the power of enemies”, in Tibetan Drolma Drapung Jomma. She is...
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Supporting Member Mantra Video: Supreme Mantra: Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha 108 Times Sanskrit Chanted

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā The Supreme Mantra in the Heart Sutra — is recited around the world for protection and removal of negative karma. It contains the essence of the Heart Sutra, which in turn contains the essence...
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Supporting Members Video: 6 Dark Red Tara Mantra: Victorious Over 3 Worlds, With Her Controlling Phurba

6 Dark Red Tara Mantra: Victorious Over 3 Worlds, With Her Controlling Phurba Tara Victorious over Three Worlds is the most energetic “dharma warrior” aspect of all the Taras. She is Dark Red Tara with her powerful controlling Phurba, who...
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Suppporting Member Mantra Video: Ushnisha Vijaya Namgyalma Supreme Dharani 7 Times: Relieves all 6 Sufferings

The Dharani of Ushnisha Vijaya, taught by Shakyamuni Buddha, overcomes  Six Types of Suffering in the Six Realms, which are manifested in the poisons afflicting the Six Realms, and overcomes Death itself. This is the Dharani Buddha taught, in his...
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Supporting Member Video: Gold Tara Mantra that Controls All Mantras – Tara 17: Swiftly Stops Violence and Evil

Tara's Mantra that Swiftly Controls All Mantras and Quells Violence and Evil Magic: om tare tuttare ture sarva stambhani tare svaha ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे सर्व स्तम्भनी तरे स्वहा Video:   This powerful mantra supplicates Tara to swiftly (the...
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Supporting Members Video: Mantra of Red Tara, Swift and Heroic – Tara 1: Eliminates Suffering as “Fast as Lightning”

Red Tara Swift and Heroic is the Principle Red Tara. She is the First Tara of the 21 Taras, Red Tara Swift Lady of Glory. To the base Om Tare Tuttare Ture; Red Tara adds   “Vasham Kuru Svaha” which, as...
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Supporting Members Video: Mantra of 5th Red Tara Kurukulla Who Enchants All Beings: 7 Worlds Under Her Power

The fifth Red Tara is “Tara Who is Kurukulla”. Her praise extols her power “your feet press down on the Seven Worlds; You subdue all beings under your power.” (all levels of existence). She does this by her enchanting power,...
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Supporting Members: Powerful Mantra of Red-Black Tara 10 – Tara Who Brings Maras and the World Under Her Power

Also called Victory Banner Red-Black Tara, she uses her irresistible and powerful magnetizing power to control all beings in all worlds—no Mara, demon, evil intention, greedy, or worldly spirit or being can escape her power. MANTRA om tare tuttare ture...
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Supporting Members Video: Tara Swift Heroine. Mother. Saviour. Friend. Stories of Rescues; Origin; Mantra, Sadhana

Tara, Swift Heroine. Mother. Saviour. Friend. Stories of Rescues; Origin; Mantra & Sadhana Why is Tara so beloved among Mahayana Buddhists? Why is she simultaneously called Mother, Saviour, Friend, and Buddha? Why do many of us turn to Green Tara...
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Supporting Members: Om Ami Deva Hrih – Amitabha’s Heart Mantra in Sanskrit 108 Times: 10 Protections

Om Ami Deva Hrih is the Heart Mantra of the glorious Buddha Amitabha of the West. Amitabha's 6 syllable mantra purifies the six worlds: the deva realm, asura realm, human, animal, hungry ghost and hell realms are all purified and...
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Supporting Member Video: Magnetizing Lotus Power: Amitabha Buddha – History, Dharani, Sutras, Sadhana, and Sukhavati

Why is the magnetizing or attracting power of Amitabha Buddha and the Lotus family so alluring? Why is Amitabha so popular in all lineages and schools of Mahayana Buddhism? Why is Amitabha's Western Pureland of Sukhavati called the Happy Realm...
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Supporting Member Video: Ratnasambhava Buddha Wish-Granting Mantra in Sanskrit 108 Times Chanted with Beautiful Images

  Recite along with  @BuddhaWeekly   the wish-granting mantra, the mantra of prosperity and auspiciousness of Golden Ratnasambhava, the Jewel Buddha. Turn on CC to chant along for maximum benefit. His heart mantra is: Om Ratnasambhava Tram Video:  ...
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Supporting Members Video: Wish-Granting Power: Ratnasambhava Buddha 寶生如來: Dharani Mantra, Sadhana and Practice

Ratnasambhava, the Wish-Granting Buddha -- video: Dharani, mantra, sadhana.
Supporting Members Video: Wish-Granting Power: Ratnasambhava Buddha 寶生如來: Dharani Mantra, Sadhana and Practice 8
Why is Ratnasambhava Buddha described as the wish-granting Buddha? Why is he considered the Buddha closest to our world, always ready to help? What are the four...
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Supporting Members Video: Akshobhya’s Power Mantra 108 Times in Sanskrit 阿閦佛梵文唱頌心咒108遍

Akshobhya literally means "unshakable" or "immovable one." How does his practice overcome anger? We achieve this through his various sadhanas, mantras Dharanis and meditations, which express the Wisdom of Reflection. It is, through pausing and reflecting and remaining calm, that we...
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Supporting Member Video: Unshakable Power Akshobhya Buddha 阿閦佛 Vajra Lord: Dharani, Mantra Practices & Sadhana

Video Akshobhya Buddha Unshakable Power of the Vajra Lord.
Supporting Member Video: Unshakable Power Akshobhya Buddha 阿閦佛 Vajra Lord: Dharani, Mantra Practices & Sadhana 9
Which parable in the Lotus Sutra is the story of Akshobhya Buddha, the glorious Eastern Buddha? Why is Akshobhya Buddha the very face of unshakable peace? Why...
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Supporting Member Video: 8 Merit Practices of Chokhor Duchen: Buddha’s First Teaching Day

Why is Buddha's First Teaching Day considered the most important Holy Day of the Year in many Buddhist traditions? What are the eight practices recommended for this day which can create skies of merit and purify negative karma according to...
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