Six White Tara Mantras for Pacifying: Chant along with Buddha Weekly’s new White Tara Collection Album!

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    Buddha Weekly BW White Taras collection Buddhism
    White Tara Mantra Collection from Buddha Weekly album cover.

    Mother Tara, as the Enlightened Activity of all the Buddhas, manifests in countless forms. The best known of these are the 21 Taras, celebrated in a Dharani Sanskrit Praise and teaching, in Sutra and also in Mantras.

    Among the 21 in the Atisha lineage of teachings, there are six White Taras.  (For the mantras see below for text.)

    White Tara’s pacify. They pacify illness, the five poisons, external dangers, warfare and more. Each of these six White Taras has a specialty and her own mantra. These are called “supplicating mantras” as instructed by the great Longchenpa. The “ask” for and request Tara’s pacifying activity to suppress disease, violence, anger, and so on. (See our short description of each below.)

    Buddha Weekly created a beautiful collection of six mantras, each time reciting 108 times, in our new Album called “White Tara Mantra Collection.” You can play here, or on your favorite streaming service (mantra text below):



    • On Youtube>>
    • On Spotify>>
    • Or search your favoite Streamer: Apple Music, iTunes, Instagram/Facebook, TikTok & other ByteDance stores, YouTube Music, Amazon, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, iHeartRadio, Claro Música, Saavn, Boomplay, Anghami, NetEase, Tencent, Qobuz, Joox, Kuack Media, Adaptr, Flo, MediaNet

    We, as aspiring Bodhisattvas, call on Tara’s help as well, sometimes for more mundane things. The practice of 21 Taras is there to help us with her four types of activity, removing our obstacles to life and practice

    These 21 Taras, each have a name, a color, a praise and a mantra. They appear as White, Yellow, Red, and Blue Black. Green Tara combines all of these colors and activities.

    White Taras are for Pacifying activities, as she performed for Shakyamuni Buddha, pacifying the demons that assaulted him under the Bodhi Tree. Yellow Taras are for Enriching and Growing. Red Taras are for Magnetizing and Enchanting. Black or Blue Tara is for Wrathful Activity.

    In this video, we work with the White Pacifying Taras. In the Atisha lineage of 21 Taras there are six White Taras. In The Nyingma Terma lineage there are usually five.

    Here, we present the powerful mantras as transmitted by Lord Atisha.

    These are, in the order presented

    The Second Tara of the twenty-one, known as Lady of Supreme Peace, pacifies all diseases.

    The Ninth Tara of the twenty-one, known as Tara Who Protects From All Fears, pacifies all 8 fears and dangers.

    The Fifteenth Tara of the twenty-one, known as Tara of Surpreme Peacefulness, pacifies and purifies all negative karma, obstacles, and harm from spirits, evil intentions of others, and illness.

    The Eighteenth Tara of the twenty-one, known as Tara Who Neutralizes Poison, eliminates not only physical poisons but the internal poisons of anger, hate and attachment.

    The Nineteenth Tara of the twenty-one, known as Sitatapatra, Tara Who Eliminates All Suffering,, pacifies and helps overcome war, strife, arguments, conflict, disputes, bad dreams and all other suffering.

    The Twenty-First Tara of the twenty-one, known as Tara Who Completely Perfects All Enlightened Activities is none other than Marichi, and she perfects all pacifying activities and completes all siddhis, common and supreme, including various magical attainments, into the cause for final Enlightenment.


    2. Tara of Supreme Peace  (Sarasvati)

    om tare tuttare ture shatim kuru svaha


    9. Tara Who Protects from All Fears

    om tare tuttare ture mama upakrama raksha raksha svaha


    15. Tara of Supreme Peacefulness

    om tare tuttare ture sarva papam prashamanaya svaha


    18. Tara Who Neutralizes Poison

    om tare tuttare ture naga visha shantim kuru svaha


    19. Tara Who Alleviates All Suffering (Sitatapatra)

    om tare tuttare ture mochana svaha     (pronounced mochana with a soft ch )

    ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे मोचन स्वहा

    21. Tara Who Completely Perfects All Enlightened Activities  (Marici)

    om tare tuttare ture sarva siddhi sadhanam svaha

    ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे सर्व सिद्धी सधनम स्वहा


    Lasha Mutual:

    Terma Tree:

    Vajrayana Print:

    #Tara #buddhistmantra #Taramantras #taramantra #21Taras

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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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