
Video: 3 Supremes: Vajrasattva, Tara, Ushnisha Vijaya: Purification, Removing Suffering, Enlightenment

Video Dharani Chanting: Ushnisha Vijaya Namgyalma Supreme Dharani 7 Times: Relieves all 6 Sufferings

Video: Ratnasambhava Buddha Wish-Granting Mantra in Sanskrit 108 Times Chanted with Beautiful Images

Video: Buddha’s First Teaching Day Most Meritorious Practice Day of the Year Chokhor Duchen July 9 and 10th

Video: Lochana Vajra Mother Sanskrit Mantra 108 Times: Destroys Obstacles, Afflictions, Illnesses, Evil

VIDEO MANTRA: Heart Sutra and Unsurpassed mantra 1 Hour Chanted 10 times in Sanskrit – Protects & Purifies

Video How-to: Padmasmabhava: Key Points of Compassion & Generosity How to Chant Mantras Padmasambhava’s 4 Foundations 9 Tips from Teachers / Buddhist Teachings

Video Mantra: Eight Praises to Vajravarahi / Vajrayogini in Sanskrit Chanted By Yoko Dharma for 1 Meditative Hour

Mantra Video: Mantra Protects All 8 Dangers: White Tara (Tara 9) Who Protects from All Fears 108 Times Sanskrit

Bardo Thodol Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Wisdom That Liberates from Enlightened Mind of Guru Rinpoche

Avalokiteshvara Universal Gate Sutra Recitation (Full Sutra): Saves from every danger; Many forms of Compassion

Video: Manjushri Wisdom Mantra 1 Hour: Enhances Cognition and Memory Chanted Beautifully in Sanskrit

Video: Achala Fudu Myoo Sanskrit Mantra 1 Hour; Compassionate Help from the Wrathful Destroyer of Evil

Guru Rinpoche’s advice for visualizing the deity: a how-to from Padmasambhava with advice from today’s teachers (with video how-to)

Video: Recite with us the full Sutra of Tara Who Protects from the Eight Fears with her Great Dharani

Video: Reciting the Heart Sutra for Wisdom, Compassion, Purification; with Om Gate Gate Paragate Mantra

Video: Vajrasattva 100 Syllable Sanskrit Mantra: 2 Hours of Purification; Removes Bad Luck and Obstacles

Video: Ushnisha Vijaya Namgyelma Mantra 1 hour Vitality Mantra for Long Life; Heals and Removes Suffering

Video: Shakyamuni Buddha Mantra 1 Hour in Sanskrit: Blessings and Vast Merit Accumulation & Auspiciousness

Video: 21 Taras Five Activities Dharani Praise in Sanskrit 1 Hour: Pacifying, Enriching, Magnetizing, Wrath

Video: Supplicating Activity Mantras and 21 Taras Mantras: as Taught by Longchenpa and Padmasambhava

Video: Vajra Guru Mantra, Essence of All Mantras “Infinite Powers and Benefits” – one full hour of beautiful Sanskrit chanting

Video: Bodhidharma Great One-Shoed Sage of Chan Zen: Four Epic Events and Four Teachings of “Few Words”

Video: Green Jambhala and Blue Green Vasudhara: Speedy Wealth Practices: Karma Family Amoghasiddhi and Tara

Video: Buddha’s Eight Auspicious Signs Precious Dharma Objects for Auspiciousness and Transformation

Video: Achala Fudo Myoo Mantra: Compassionate Help, Removing Obstacles & Negativities chanted in Sanskrit

Maha Vairochana, the Buddha of Light, Buddha of the Buddhas, Dharmakaya of Shakyamuni and all Buddhas

Video: Samantabhadra’s King of All Prayers Dharani chanted in Sanskrit — a complete Buddhist practice with all seven limbs

Video King Shabala Multicolored Garuda: Enlightened Activity of All Buddhas; the Power of Chi and Prana

Video: Guanyin Avalokiteshvara Tara — Saving Us From Danger: The Burning House, the Jewel in the Robe

Marichi, Buddhist Goddess of Golden Light, Destroyer of Demons, Evil and Obstacles, 21st Tara: Video short documentary

Bhaisajya Guru Medicine Buddha Sanskrit Mantra beautifully chanted with video meditative images: New Video

21 Taras Short Dharani 108 Times: for Illness, Danger, Disaster, Wish-Granting, Averting War — All the Benefits of the Longer Dharani

Video Documentary: Lion Faced Dakini Simhamukha Wrathful Wisdom— Protects from Evil, Obstacles, Disaster, Supernatural

Video Mantra: Black Tara Mantra 27 Times: She who Destroys Evil, Negativity, Black Magic and Obstacles

Video: Kalachakra Mantra: Tenfold Power Mantra Chanting with Explanation on 10-Fold Power Symbol and beautiful meditative images

Why giving and taking practice is an important kindness meditation and Bodhichitta practice; how to do it guided video: Zasep Rinpoche

VIDEO Ushnisha Vijaya Namgyelma Long-Life and Health Mantra beautifully chanted 108 times with images

Beautiful Video: White Tara’s healing and long-life mantra beautifully chanted 108x with stunning visualized images

Featured Healing Videos: 14 Buddha Weekly meditation, visualization, mantra and practice videos on Youtube

VIDEO: Vajrapani Documentary: indestructable hand of the Buddha. All about the “Lord of Secrets”; ends in 108 mantras