Venerable Zasep Rinpoche Teaching: Buddhist Naga Practice is Helpful to Heal Environment — Full Sadhana Translated

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    By Venerable Zasep Tulku Losang Tenzin Gyatsen

    Commentary and Translation of Sadhana

    Translated July 2021

    The highly respected Gelug master, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, (1619-1657) — an incarnation of Manjushri and Mahasiddha Virupa — advised that we should all practice the sadhanas of Vajrapani, Hayagriva, and King Garuda and make offerings to the Nagas.

    The Naga offerings are important because our world is suffering through ignorance, greed, politics, and lack of respect for the environment. We make offerings to the Nagas to help to heal our water systems which are contaminated; we all suffer from long droughts, abnormal rainfall, and a shortage of good water. There are all kinds of climate problems and the world weather patterns are changing rapidly.

    Who are the Nagas?

    According to Sutras and Shastras Nagas are classified as beings of the animal realm. For most Nagas, the upper half of the body is human and the lower half is like a serpent or fish. They have beautiful human faces and wear jeweled crowns and beautiful ornaments such as earrings, necklaces and so on. Male Nagas can be powerful and handsome looking and female Nagas are beautiful and attractive. Some Nagas possess great powers, similar to the gods.

    The Naga realm is said to be under the oceans and seas. As well, Nagas can live in lakes, rivers springs, creeks, or marshlands. Nagas also reside in trees called Naga trees. According to the famous Tibetan scholar, Dungkar Losang Thinley Rinpoche’s encyclopedia, most of the Nagas are wealthy. They wear the most expensive jewels and ornaments and silk scarves; they have a good life. The Nagas are divided into different classes and have various kings and queens and chieftains.


    Eight Great Nagas

    There are eight great Nagas: Blue Thaye sits in the east; Red Jokpo sits in the south; Green Tob Gyu sits in the West; multi-colored Rigden sits in the north; Norgye sits in the southeast, Pedma sits in the northwest, Dung Kyung sits in the southwest, and Varuna sits in the northeast.


    Beautiful Naga statue at sunset, rising up out of the water, in Wat Ban Rai Buddhist Temple Nakhonratchasima Thailand.
    Beautiful Naga statue at sunset, rising up out of the water, in Wat Ban Rai Buddhist Temple Nakhonratchasima Thailand. Normally, Naga Kings are visualized with the top half in human form. Here, the multi-headed form symbolizes the Naga who protected Shakyamuni Buddha as he meditated.


    Many Nagas are very intelligent and they are able to practise Dharma, some have obtained Dharma realizations. Some of the Naga kings and queens vowed to the Lord Buddha to provide the right causes and conditions of Dharma practice for human beings. They provide the conditions for the preservation of Dharma so that Dharma can flourish.

    It is difficult to imagine that the Nagas are classified as beings of the animal realm considering their intelligence and devotion to Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.


    Buddha Weekly Naga Protected Buddha with Avalokiteshvara and Prajnaparamita sculpture 12th Century Buddhism
    12th century sculpture of Shakyamuni Buddha being protected by the Naga. To Buddha’s right is Avalokiteshvara and to his left is Prajnaparamita. By tradition, the Prajnaparamita sutras were hidden in the Naga realm, to be found by the great sage Nagarguna somewhere between 150 and 250 AD.

    When Lord Buddha was practicing on the path to enlightenment for six years under the Bodhi tree, the Nagas made snake umbrella hoods above his head to protect him from the sun and rain.

    According to Mahayana sutras, when Mahayana Buddhist teachings were declining in India due to Karmic circumstances, the Naga Kings took the teachings and texts to Nagaland to save them until the right teachers emerged who could reveal the teachings on earth again.

    The sage Nagarjuna receiving sutras and Holy texts from the Naga King Varuna.
    The sage Nagarjuna (c 150 to 250.) receiving sutras and Holy texts from the Naga King Varuna.


    The Great Nagarjuna, Great Sage

    Nagarjuna (c.150–c. 250) was a great Indian Buddhist philosopher who composed and taught six major texts on emptiness (Shunyata) and is traditionally regarded as the founder of the Madhyamika (Middle Way) school, an important tradition of Mahayana Buddhist philosophy. He is considered one of the most important of all Buddhist philosophers. According to tradition, he was born in south India, and then traveled to the land of the Nagas and re-introduced Mahayana teachings to humans on earth.

    Nagas emerging from a sacred lake, painting by Russian artist Nicholas Roerich.
    Nagas emerging from a sacred lake, painting by Russian artist Nicholas Roerich.


    We as human beings should support Nagas and help them by protecting the natural environment which is home for humans and Nagas; we are all dependent on each other for our survival. If we harm the environment and cause pollution due to our greed and ignorance, then Nagas will get sick. They may also become angry and while they won’t harm us directly, the harm could come to us because of pollution of water and food sources. It is important we humans respect the environment for the benefit of all beings.

    Buddha Weekly A Zasep Rinpoche with brother and father in Tibet Buddhism

    Venerable Zasep Rinpoche with his father (center) and brother northwest of Zadoh, from Rinpoche’s Biography A Tulku’s Journey from Tibet to Canada: Autobiography of a Buddhist Teacher available on or Rinpoche’s father told him that if they found gold or copper nuggets while hiking to always make offerings.

    Making Offerings Show Appreciation

    My father told me and my brother that if you find copper or gold nuggets while hiking in the mountains, don’t just take them without showing gratitude to the spirits of the earth. You must offer food like grain, as a replacement, and show appreciation to the Zidak mountain spirits and Sadak earth spirits. If you feel you harmed the Nagas then make special offerings called Lu Men, Naga You can obtain Lu Men – Naga medicine from the traditional sources.

    Buddha Weekly Naga Tormas Buddhism
    Stunning Naga Torma by Dhoney Tharchen Lama of Mongolia, a student of Venerable Zasep Rinpoche. (Of course, your Torma’s may be more humble. You offer what you can, even if they are muffins visualized as torma.)


    Torma offerings for the Nagas

    There are two kinds of Tormas: regular Tormas you place on the altar and the second kind, which are dough balls you can arrange on the table in front of you. The Naga Tormas are made with Tibetan Tsampa (roasted barley flour) with the addition of the three whites: yogurt (curds), milk, and butter. Then add the three sweets: honey, sugar, molasses, or brown sugar. Do not use any animal flesh or meat products, and don’t use spices such as chili or garlic.

    Special Torma dough balls are placed in a small bowl on a tripod placed inside a larger bowl. Fill the bottom of the larger bowl with water. Offer water by pouring it onto the dough balls in the small bowl. The overflow will remain in the large bowl. (See the photo below of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche making dough ball Torma offerings.)


    The highly respected Gelug master, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, (1619-1657) — an incarnation of Manjushri and Mahasiddha Virupa — advised that we should all practise the sadhanas of Vajrapani, Hayagriva and King Garuda and make offerings to the Nagas. The Naga offerings are important because our world is suffering through ignorance, greed, politics and lack of respect for the environment. We make offering to the Nagas to help to heal our water systems which are contaminated; we all suffer from long droughts, abnormal rainfall, and a shortage of good water. There are all kinds of climate problems and the world weather patterns are changing rapidly. Who are the Nagas? According to Sutras and Shastras Nagas are classified as beings of the animal realm. For most Nagas, the upper half of the body is human and the lower half is like a serpent or fish. They have beautiful human faces and wear jewelled crowns and beautiful ornaments such as earrings, necklaces and so on. Male Nagas can be powerful and handsome looking and female Nagas are beautiful and attractive. Some N agas possess great powers , similar to the gods. The Naga realm is said to be under the oceans and seas. As well, Nagas can live in lakes, rivers springs, creeks, or marshland. Nagas also reside in trees called Naga trees. According to the famous Tibetan scholar, Dungkar Losang Thinley Rinpoche’s encyclopedia, most of the Nagas are wealthy. They wear most expensive jewels and ornaments and silk scarves; they have a good life. The Nagas are divided into different classes and have various kings and queens and chieftains. There are eight great Nagas: Blue Thaye sits in the east; Red Jokpo sits in the south; Green Tob Gyu sits in the West; multi-coloured Rigden sits in the north; Norgye sits in the southeast, Pedma sits in the northwest, Dung Kyung sits in the southwest, and Varuna sits in the northeast. Many Nagas are very intelligent and they are able to practise Dharma , some have obtained Dharma realizations. Some of the Naga kings and queens vowed to the Lord Buddha to provide the right causes and conditions of Dharma practice for human beings. They provide the conditions for the preservation of Dharma so that Dharma can flourish. It is difficult to imagine that the Nagas 2 3 are classified as beings of the animal realm considering their intelligence and devotion to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. When Lord Buddha was practising on the path to enlightenment for six years under the Bodhi tree, the Nagas made snake umbrella hoods above his head to protect him from the sun and rain. According to Mahayana sutras, when Mahayana Buddhist teachings were declining in India due to Karmic circumstances, the Naga Kings took the teachings and texts to Nagaland to save them until the right teachers emerged who could reveal the teachings on earth again. Nagarjuna (c.150–c. 250) was a great Indian Buddhist philosopher who composed and taught six major texts on emptiness (Shunyata) and is traditionally regarded as the founder of the Madhyamika (Middle Way) school, an important tradition of Mahayana Buddhist philosophy. He is considered one of the most important of all Buddhist philosophers. According to tradition, he was born in south India, and then travelled to the land of the Nagas and re- introduced Mahayana teachings to humans on earth. We as human being should support Nagas and help them by protecting the natural environment which is home for human and Nagas; we are all dependent on each other for our survival. If we harm the environment, and cause pollution due to our greed and ignorance, then Nagas will get sick. They may also become angry and while they won’t harm us directly, the harm could come to us because of pollution of water and food sources. It is important we humans respect the environment for the benefit of all beings. My father told me and my brother that if you find copper or gold nuggets while hiking in the mountains, don’t just take them without showing gratitude to the spirits of the earth. You must offer food like grain, as a replacement, and show appreciation to the Zidak mountain spirits and Sadak earth spirits. If you feel you harmed the Nagas then make special offerings called Lu Men, Naga You can obtain Lu Men - Naga medicine from the traditional sources. Torma offerings for the Nagas There are two kinds of Tormas: regular Tormas you place on the altar and the second kind, which are dough balls you can arrange on the table in front of you. The Naga Tormas are made with Tibetan Tsampa (roasted barley flour) 4 with the addition of the three whites: yogurt (curds), milk and butter. Then add the three sweets: honey, sugar, molasses or brown sugar. Do not use any animal flesh or meat products, and don’t use spices such as chilli or garlic. Special Torma dough balls are placed in a small bowl on a tripod placed inside a larger bowl. Fill the bottom of the larger bowl with water. Offer water by pouring it onto the dough balls in the small bowl. The overflow will remain in the large bowl. (See the photo of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche making dough ball Torma offerings with water on Page 1.) Requirements for the Naga Puja offering Torma offering and dough balls made with pure water, three whites and three sweets, as explained above. A tripod on which is placed a plate or a small bowl. A pitcher to fill the water bowls. Two sets of seven offering bowls for the altar. Action vase - Bumpha - with saffron water consecrated previously Five-coloured cloth of silk or cotton as a decoration Tingsha (small cymbals) for the music offering Preparations for Naga Puja Firstly, we practise the sadhana of Avalokiteshvara, guardian and patron Buddha of the six realms, the most compassionate Buddha. Torma Offering to the Nagas - Lutor By First Panchen Lama Translated and adapted by Zasep Tulku Losang Tenzin Gyatsen Namo Guru Avalokiteshvara Offerings to Avalokiteshvara should be placed on the altar, Torma and two sets of seven bowls, cakes, fruits and flowers, incense and so on. Special Torma offering for the Nagas should include two sets of offering bowls, and offerings such as three whites (curds, milk, butter) and three sweets (molasses, honey and sugar ) five different colours of silk, jewel, grains, medicine for the Nagas inside a tray, set up on a nice altar. Preparatory Practice: Sadhana of Avalokiteshvara Taking Refuge and generating Bodhichitta I take refuge in the Buddhas, the Dharma and the Supreme Sangha, Until I attain Enlightenment. By the merit I accumulate from practising generosity and the other perfections, May I attain Buddhahood in order to benefit all beings. The Four Immeasurable Attitudes May all beings have happiness and its causes May all beings be free from suffering and its causes May all beings never be separated from the joy transcending sorrow May all beings dwell in equal love for those both close and distant. [x3] Now confirm the Emptiness of all phenomena in and beyond cyclic existence by means of the following mantra: OM SVABHAVA SUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM Everything becomes empty. Self-generation as Avalokiteshvara 5 Within the sphere of Emptiness appears the letter PAM. It transforms into a white lotus upon which is the letter AH. AH becomes a moon-disc. At its centre is my own mind in the form of a white letter HRIH. HRIH emits light-rays, which work for the benefit of living beings, transforming them to the state of Arya Bodhisattvas. The light-rays return into the letter HRIH. The HRIH transforms, and I arise from it as the Arya Avalokiteshvara. I have a snow-white body, one face and four arms. My front pair of hands is clasped together at my heart. My second right hand holds a crystal jewel mala of one hundred and eight beads. My second left hand holds a lotus which blooms beside my left ear. I sit in full lotus posture. I am adorned with eight precious ornaments on my head, ears, throat, hands, and feet. I wear silk garments and have an entrancing, serene smile. A white OM syllable marks the crown of my head, a red AH my throat, and a blue HUM my heart. Also a white HRIH syllable sits at the centre of a moon-disc in my heart. DZA HUM BAM HOH Inviting and Absorbing the Wisdom Beings into Oneself The HRIH radiates lights, inviting the mighty Arya Avalokiteshvara and his retinue of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from their southerly abode. They absorb into me and thus we become one. DZA HUM BAM HOH Requesting and Receiving Empowerment Again lights go forth from the HRIH at my heart, inviting the Empowering Deities. I request them: ‘Please grant me empowerment’. Thus requested, they raise aloft vases of wisdom nectar. Saying OM SARVA TATHAGATA ABHISHEKATA SAMAYA SHRIYE AH HUM They initiate me with their nectars. The nectar fills my body, purifying all my defilements. The excess nectar overflowing on the crown of my head transforms into Amitabha Buddha, who becomes my crown ornament. Now make outer offerings to oneself as Avalokiteshvara which clears interferences, purifies, and invokes blessings: 6 Presenting Outer Offerings to Oneself as Self-generated Avalokiteshvara OM ARYA LOKESHVARA SAPARIVARA ARGHAM PRATICHA HUM SVAHA OM ARYA LOKESHVARA SAPARIVARA PADYAM PRATICHA HUM SVAHA OM ARYA LOKESHVARA SAPARIVARA PUSHPE PRATICHA HUM SVAHA OM ARYA LOKESHVARA SAPARIVARA DHUPE PRATICHA HUM SVAHA OM ARYA LOKESHVARA SAPARIVARA ALOKE PRATICHA HUM SVAHA OM ARYA LOKESHVARA SAPARIVARA GANDHE PRATICHA HUM SVAHA OM ARYA LOKESHVARA SAPARIVARA NAIVIDYE PRATICHA HUM SVAHA OM ARYA LOKESHVARA SAPARIVARA SHABDA PRATICHA HUM SVAHA Praise to Oneself as Avalokiteshvara White in colour, untarnished by faults, Amitabha Buddha embellishing the crown of your head, You look upon living beings with overwhelming compassion, To Chenrezig I humbly bow down. Mantra recitation and meditation OM MANI PADME HUM x108 water for drinking water for washing flowers incense light perfume food music Visualising myself as Avalokiteshvara , at my heart appears a circular white moon-disc, upon which is my own mind in the form of a white HRIH syllable. At the edge of the moon-disc stand the six syllables of the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM. They are resplendently white like the rays of the rising sun. Light comes forth from the mantra syllables, filling my whole body, purifying all my negativities and obscurations. The light-rays then leave through the pores of my body and purify the negativities and obscurations of all living beings. They are transformed into mighty Arya Avaloketishvara. My threefold manner of perception involves seeing all external appearances as rainbow-deity forms of the mighty Arya Avalokiteshvara; all sound is heard as the six syllable mantra; and mind is imbued with essence of method conjoined with wisdom, which is the great compassion focused on all living beings and the wisdom understanding Emptiness, the wisdom which clearly perceives that all phenomena in and beyond cyclic existence lack even a particle of inherent existence and are mere imputations. 7 8 Thus visualising oneself as Avalokiteshvara, melded within this threefold perception, one recites the MANI mantra. From the energy of the practice living beings of the six realms of samsara obtain the Enlightened form of Arya Avalokiteshvara. Moreover, in the manner of a full sesame pod, the entire earth, air, and sky are filled with the form of Avaloketishvara.Their combined chanting of OM MANI PADME HUM releases the sound of the MANI mantra like a crescendo of thunder. Yet just OM, having the threefold aggregate of A-U-M, signifies the three indivisible adamantines of my body, speech, and mind. This mantra is called The Jewel Holder, for a single recitation with such understanding is meritorious. Thus OM begins the mantra. MANI means jewel. PADMA means lotus, whereas PADME denotes supplication. So with my heartfelt entreaty to Avalokiteshvara, the Jewel in the Lotus, I recite the mantra while dwelling on contemplations such as the fusion of the mighty Arya Avalokiteshvara’s qualities within me. Furthermore, the respective six syllables cut off the doorways to rebirth in the six realms of samsara. The six syllables are also the consummation of the six perfections. Thus the MANI mantra, having these and other excellent qualities, is held to be of endless advantage and significance. Moreover the mighty Arya Avalokiteshvara is said to be in general the quintessence of all the Buddhas’ compassion, and in particular, the patron Buddha of Tibet. Therefore one should strive with enthusiasm in the recitation, cultivating Avaloketishvara as a most excellent meditational deity with these special characteristics. The main Sadhana of Naga Torma offerings Blessing the Torma and offerings to the Nagas OM VAJRA AMRITA KUNDALI HANA HANA HUM PHAT OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM . While in the sphere of voidness, from BHRUM syllables arise vast and deep vessels made of precious materials, within which are the eight offerings, the Torma, and all conducive sacred ingredients, along with the syllable OM and a syllable formed by the initial syllables. They all transformed into wisdom nectar. They become medicine that purifies pain and suffering. Also multitudes of wish-fulfilling jewels provide us whatever we wish for —a marvellous secret landscape of palaces. In short whatever sublime 9 enjoyments the Naga Kings and queens and their children and attendants desire. OM SVABHAVA VISHUDDHE DHARMATE VAJRA SIDDHI HUM NAMAH SARVA TATHAGATE BHYOVISHVA MUKSHEBHYAH / SARVA TAD KHAM UDGATE SPHARANAHI MAM GAGANA KHAM SVAHA OM AMRITE HUM PHAT OM AKARO MUKHAM SARVA DHARMAH NAM ADYANUDPANNE HA TA NAMAH SARVA TATHAGATA AVALOKITE OM SAMBHARA SAMBHARA HUM OM RURU SPHURU JVALATIKSHTHA SIDDHI LOCHANI SARVA ARTHAM SADHANI SVAHA OM ARGHAM AH HUM OM VAJRA PUSHPE AH HUM OM VAJRA DHUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA ALOKE AH HUM OM VAJRA GANDHE AH HUM OM VAJRA NAIVIDYA AH HUM OM VAJRA SHAPTA AH HUM Invitation for general guests In the space in front of me, visualize a natural stone made of jewels with a large or small golden coloured caves, below which are Naga palaces and Naga pleasure groves, lakes, ponds, pools, meadows adorned with flowers, springs, wells, waterfalls, flowing water in the lakes, and grassy plains and parks, as well as a jewel palace, everything arranged naturally most beautifully. Inside is the N aga king Varuna, their chief, the eight Great Naga Kings, and Queens, the entire assembly of Nagas and Bumi Putras and Putiris of the earth lords and earth caretakers, along with their retinue. Bless the Tingsha-cymbals by reciting OM PADMO USHNISHA VIMALE HUM PHAT (7x) Then play cymbals three times Now make invocation to the Naga Kings by emanating lights from HRIH syllable for my heart The light rays shine, From your fabulous jewelled hood, Dispelling all the darkness of the underworld; You who delight in the Teaching of Lord Buddha, incomparably powerful ones, Naga kings without exception, come here with your retinue! Actual offerings OM NAGA RAJA SAPARIVARA EH HYE HI SAMAYA JAH JAH / JAH HUM BAM HO / PADMA KAMALA E STVAM NAGA RAJA SAPARIVARA ARGHAM /PADYUM /PUSHPE / DHUPE / ALOKE /GANDHE /NAIVIDYA /SHAPTA) PRATICCHA HUM SVAHA Make the Torma ball and water offering to the Nagas while chanting the following paragraph While I am self generated as Avalokiteshvara, from the palm of my hand, nectar merged with milk flows continuously like a stream transformed into the Torma materials and precious holy substances of various medicines, generated by transcendental wisdom like a great ocean of desirable objects visualized in front of me. The guest Nagas enjoy this. The effect of the healing is tremendous, it renewed limbs, and organs are healed. Pain and suffering are eliminated, and minds experience fulfilment with uncontaminated bliss. Thus while visualizing my self as most compassionate Arya Avalokiteshvara pour the holy water from the vase onto the offering Torma balls inside the bowl with the right hand at the same time snap with the fingers of my left hand once for each mantra recitation. Mantra to bless the Mala OM RUCHI RAMANI PRAVATAYA HUM [x7] 10 Main Mantra !" #$%&%'%()%*+%,%-" OM VASUKI MAM SVAHA [ x 108] You are the lord of the assembly of Nagas Light shines from your jewel hood Bestow the supreme siddhi of everything desirable I bow down to you, Varuna. Ananta and Takshaka (Thaye and Jogpo) Karkotaka and Kulika (Tob kyi gyu and Rigden) Vasuki and Shankhapala (Norgye and Dung Kyung) Padma and Varuni (Pedma and Chu Lha) Nanda and Delight ( Gawo and Nyer Ga wo) Ocean and Great Ocean, Glorious light and Great Radiance, Great Bodied One, good serpent Mahabala, Naga Kings and your retinue, Come here to enjoy this decorated Torma. The offering of the exquisite three whites and The three sweets, a swirling ocean of milk And beautiful jewelled stairs. May this become whichever conducive substance Protects for the suffering of the nagas. Enjoy the offering gifts and Torma, For us practitioners, the benefactor and retinues. All four hundred and twenty four diseases and The diseases of Nagas due to their own Karma Visible poison and touchable poison, Poison caused by bad thoughts and of vapours arising from the mouth, Intentionally caused by humans, and so forth, May all be soon pacified without exception. I offer these treasured substances from us: Cause and condition of all Naga disease to be eliminated, The four-siddhi actions of enlightenment, Increased wealth and prosperity. 11 If you wish to practise this sadhana on a daily basis for the healing of sick people then visualize an ocean-like medicinal nectar arising to cure all the diseases of Nagas and earth lords and earth owners. In this way it will be providing healing modalities for human beings and the Nagas at the same time. May injury of the inner organs, stomach, flesh, and blood Be healed by the King of Medicines, the six fabulous medicines for maintenance of the body (nutmeg, clove cubeb, cardamon, saffron, and bamboo pith). May deteriorated teeth, bones, and tongue Be healed by using cowrie shells and red silk. May our bones’ lustre be restored By magnificent peacock feathers with the eye design, Also five-coloured silks used as part of the ritual, Fruit of Kyema Shosha will purify and Heal disease of heart, kidneys, and lungs. May damage of the limbs and other parts of the body be healed By herbs of Latifolia like Oxalis, Ulmus minor and Vitisvinifera, Powerful hand-claws of fresh water or salt water Crocodile. May impaired arteries, nerves, tendons, and muscles Be healed by using powerful herbs and minerals like The fragrant root of andropogon muricatus, and Medicinal stones such as gray antimony. Incense made with sage and juniper and so on, Polygonum aviculture, Ji-thangka medicinal fruit (effective against worms) The three fruits and assortment of medicines, and Bubbles from the ocean waves, will restore skandhas and dhatus. By the five precious minerals and varieties of grains, Your treasure house will be restored. The three whites (curds, milk, and butter) and the three sweets (molasses, honey and sugar ) will restore bad complexions. In short, may the power of conducive medicinal substances Heal the sickness and sorrow of Naga and earth owners. 12 May their sense faculties be clear and properties increase, And love and compassion fill their minds. May their crops and livestock increase Perfect rain fall annually, and May the essence of fruitful nectars Increase in this troubled world of ours. Then, in order to purify the wrongdoings and obscurations of all the Nagas, recite the following: Mantra of Akshobhya NAMO RATNA TRAYAYA / OM KAMKANI KAMKANI / ROCHANI ROCHANI / TROTANI TROTANI / TRASANI TRASANI / PRATIHANA PRATIHANA / SARVA KARMA PARAM PARA NI ME SARVA SATTVA NANCHA SVAHA [ 7x or more] Offering of Dharma All phenomena arise from a cause, The Tathagata taught those causes. What is it that stops the cause and action: The Great Monk Buddha did explain this. Like stars, distorted vision (of hair), butter lamps Mirages, dew and bubbles Dreams, lightning and clouds: Thus one should see compounded things. Final requests Nagas and owners of the earth, with your entire retinue, Your own bodies as an example, Please do not cause harm for others. The result of beneficial acts toward others is happiness, And the result of harmful actions towards to others is suffering. 13 For example, all pungent seeds produce pungent fruits, And from all sweet seeds, sweet fruit will arise. Likewise, by remembering your Samaya vows, Abandon the mind of anger and wrath, Spread the minds of Metta-Karuna. The objects of experience of the five senses, All desirable, enjoyment, perfection and excellence, Having healed all diseases of Nagas, And liberated from all suffering, May we able to see the holy face of Vajrapani, And with the healing power of the Garuda, May we be liberated and released from the lower realms, And achieve the longevity of Vajrasattva . Say the Garuda Mantra (while doing the Garuda Mudra) SARVA NAGA RAJA SAPARIVARA GATSSHA Mantra and Requests Purifying Mistakes and Omissions OM PADMASATTVA, SAMAYA MANU-PALAYA. PADMASATTVA TVENO- PATISHTA, DRID-HO ME BHAVA, SUTO-SHYO ME BHAVA, SUPO-SHYO ME BHAVA, ANURAKTO ME BHAVA, SARVA SIDDHI ME PRA-YACCHA, SARVA KARMA SUCCHA ME CHITTAM SHRI-YAM KURU HUM, HA HA HA HA HOH, BHAGAVAN SARVA TATHAGATA PADMA, MA ME MUNCHA, PADMA BHAVA, MAHA-SAMAYA-SATTVA AH HUM PHAT. Whichever aspects of this practice I have neither carried out Nor completed because of my ignorant mind, I request your forgiveness. Please help me and all sentient beings To cultivate the supreme realizations And experience the results of all contemplations. Request the departure of the Nagas to their own Abodes OM VAJRA MU 14 The Naga kings and their retinue return to their natural abode in the Naga realms. Dissolution The entire visualized universe and its inhabitants, who are in the form of Arya Avalokiteshvara, dissolve into me. I dissolve into the HRIH at my heart. HRIH dissolves into HA. This vanishes like a rainbow vanishing in the sky. Contemplate this with conviction Once more, within the sphere of Emptiness, I instantly arise in the form of Arya Avalokiteshvara , possessing the threefold attitude described, and at once engage in extensive deeds to benefit others. Dedication of merit May I develop the peerless Bodhichitta mind which is latent within me, and May that which I have already generated go from strength to strength. May I enjoy success, both spiritual and otherwise. and Never parted from my perfect Guru in all of my lives, By comprehensively amassing the qualities of the paths and levels, May I attain speedily the state of Arya Avalokiteshvara. Verses of Auspiciousness May the heavens and earth be filled With hosts of Noble Goddesses reciting benedictions, And flowers raining through the skies, As oceans of auspicious signs fill all three worlds. Through the presence of the countless Dakas and Dakinis, And the assembly of the Sangha community, The holders of this tradition of practice, May all virtues and goodness reign, Let all be auspicious. 15 Final dedication from Zasep Tulku Rinpoche I dedicate the composition of this Sadhana of Avalokiteshvara and my translation of First Panchen Lama Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen’s beautiful Naga Puja text, for the eight Kings of Nagas and their attendants, to repay his great kindness. I dedicate the merit and virtues I have obtained from being able to compile and make adaptations of this text, for the preservation of pure water system, oceans, lakes and rivers: May they always remain pure, and provide the source of goodness, for the benefit of all sentient beings. Love and Blessings for all Nagas Zasep Tulku Rinpoche July, 2021 (Thank you to Amanda Buckley for editing this beautiful sadhana)
    His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche makes ritual water and dough offerings to the Nagas for the benefit of all sentient beings.


    Requirements for the Naga Puja offering

    • Torma offering and dough balls made with pure water, three whites, and three sweets, as explained above.
    • A tripod on which is placed a plate or a small bowl.
    • A pitcher to fill the water bowls.
    • Two sets of seven offering bowls for the altar.
    • Action vase – Bumpha – with saffron water consecrated previously
    • Five-colored cloth of silk or cotton as a decoration
    • Tingsha (small cymbals) for the music offering


    Buddha Weekly Naga Tormas 2 Buddhism
    Another Naga torma, this one made by Tandar Lama of Mongolia, another student of Venerable Zasep Rinpoche.

    Preparations for Naga Puja

    Firstly, we practice the sadhana of Avalokiteshvara, guardian and patron Buddha of the six realms, the most compassionate Buddha.

    NOTE: Bold is to be recited. Italic is a practice instruction.


    Buddha Weekly chenrezig avalokitesvara with tara and amitabha Buddhism
    Four-armed Chenrezig (Arya Avalokiteshvara) is the Buddha of Compassion. Above him are Amitabha Buddha, his teacher, and to Amitabha’s right White Tara and to his left Green Tara. Before doing the Sadhana below, it is ideal to place an image of Avalokiteshvara on the altar, with offerings in front.


    Torma Offering to the Nagas – Lutor

    By First Panchen Lama
    Translated and adapted by Zasep Tulku Losang Tenzin Gyatsen

    Namo Guru Avalokiteshvara

    Offerings to Avalokiteshvara should be placed on the altar, Torma and two sets of seven bowls, cakes, fruits and flowers, incense and so on.

    Special Torma offering for the Nagas should include two sets of offering bowls, and offerings such as three whites (curds, milk, butter) and three sweets (molasses, honey and sugar ) five different colours of silk, jewel, grains, medicine for the Nagas inside a tray, set up on a nice altar.

    Preparatory Practice: Sadhana of Avalokiteshvara

    Taking Refuge and generating Bodhichitta

    I take refuge in the Buddhas, the Dharma and the Supreme Sangha,
    Until I attain Enlightenment.
    By the merit I accumulate from practising generosity and the other perfections, May I attain Buddhahood in order to benefit all beings.

    The Four Immeasurable Attitudes

    May all beings have happiness and its causes
    May all beings be free from suffering and its causes
    May all beings never be separated from the joy transcending sorrow
    May all beings dwell in equal love for those both close and distant. [x3]

    Now confirm the Emptiness of all phenomena in and beyond cyclic existence by means of the following mantra:


    Everything becomes empty.

    Self-generation as Avalokiteshvara

    Within the sphere of Emptiness appears the letter PAM. It transforms into a white lotus upon which is the letter AH. AH becomes a moon disc. At its centre is my own mind in the form of a white letter HRIH.

    HRIH emits light-rays, which work for the benefit of living beings, transforming them to the state of Arya Bodhisattvas.

    The light-rays return into the letter HRIH. The HRIH transforms, and I arise from it as the Arya Avalokiteshvara. I have a snow-white body, one face, and four arms. My front pair of hands is clasped together at my heart. My second right hand holds a crystal jewel mala of one hundred and eight beads. My second left hand holds a lotus which blooms beside my left ear.

    I sit in full lotus posture. I am adorned with eight precious ornaments on my head, ears, throat, hands, and feet. I wear silk garments and have an entrancing, serene smile. A white OM syllable marks the crown of my head, a red AH my throat, and a blue HUM my heart. Also, a white HRIH syllable sits at the centre of a moon-disc in my heart.


    Inviting and Absorbing the Wisdom Beings into Oneself

    The HRIH radiates lights, inviting the mighty Arya Avalokiteshvara and his retinue of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from their southerly abode.

    They absorb into me and thus we become one.


    Requesting and Receiving Empowerment

    Again lights go forth from the HRIH at my heart, inviting the Empowering Deities. I request them: ‘Please grant me empowerment’.

    Thus requested, they raise aloft vases of wisdom nectar. Saying


    They initiate me with their nectars. The nectar fills my body, purifying all my defilements. The excess nectar overflowing on the crown of my head transforms into Amitabha Buddha, who becomes my crown ornament.

    Now make outer offerings to oneself as Avalokiteshvara which clears interferences, purifies, and invokes blessings:

    Presenting Outer Offerings to Oneself as Self-generated Avalokiteshvara

    (With mudras, see image below.)










    Praise to Oneself as Avalokiteshvara

    White in colour, untarnished by faults,
    Amitabha Buddha embellishing the crown of your head,
    You look upon living beings with overwhelming compassion,

    To Chenrezig I humbly bow down.

    Mantra recitation and meditation



    Visualizing myself as Avalokiteshvara, at my heart appears a circular white moon-disc, upon which is my own mind in the form of a white HRIH syllable.

    At the edge of the moon-disc stand the six syllables of the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM. They are resplendently white like the rays of the rising sun. Light comes forth from the mantra syllables, filling my whole body, purifying all my negativities and obscurations. The light rays then leave through the pores of my body and purify the negativities and obscurations of all living beings. They are transformed into mighty Arya Avalokiteshvara.

    My threefold manner of perception involves seeing all external appearances as rainbow-deity forms of the mighty Arya Avalokiteshvara; all sound is heard as the six-syllable mantra; and mind is imbued with essence of method conjoined with wisdom, which is compassion focused on all living beings and the wisdom understanding Emptiness, the wisdom which clearly perceives that all phenomena in and beyond cyclic existence lack even a particle of inherent existence and are mere imputations.

    Thus visualizing oneself as Avalokiteshvara, melded within this threefold perception, one recites the MANI mantra. From the energy of the practice living beings of the six realms of samsara obtain the Enlightened form of Arya Avalokiteshvara. Moreover, in the manner of a full sesame pod, the entire earth, air, and sky are filled with the form of Avalokiteshvara. Their combined chanting of OM MANI PADME HUM releases the sound of the MANI mantra like a crescendo of thunder.

    Yet just OM, having the threefold aggregate of A-U-M, signifies the three indivisible adamantines of my body, speech, and mind. This mantra is called The Jewel Holder, for a single recitation with such understanding is meritorious. Thus OM begins the mantra.

    MANI means jewel. PADMA means lotus, whereas PADME denotes supplication. So with my heartfelt entreaty to Avalokiteshvara, the Jewel in the Lotus, I recite the mantra while dwelling on contemplations such as the fusion of the mighty Arya Avalokiteshvara’s qualities within me. Furthermore, the respective six syllables cut off the doorways to rebirth in the six realms of samsara. The six syllables are also the consummation of the six perfections.

    Thus the MANI mantra, having these and other excellent qualities, is held to be of endless advantage and significance. Moreover, the mighty Arya Avalokiteshvara is said to be in general the quintessence of all the Buddhas’ compassion, and in particular, the patron Buddha of Tibet. Therefore one should strive with enthusiasm in the recitation, cultivating Avaloketishvara as a most excellent meditational deity with these special characteristics.

    The main Sadhana of Naga Torma offerings

    Blessing the Torma and offerings to the Nagas


    While in the sphere of voidness, from BHRUM syllables arise vast and deep vessels made of precious materials, within which are the eight offerings, the Torma, and all conducive sacred ingredients, along with the syllable OM and a syllable formed by the initial syllables. They all transformed into wisdom nectar. They become medicine that purifies pain and suffering. Also multitudes of wish-fulfilling jewels provide us whatever we wish for —a marvellous secret landscape of palaces. In short whatever sublime enjoyments the Naga Kings and queens and their children and attendants desire.













    Invitation for general guests

    In the space in front of me, I visualize a natural stone made of jewels with large or small golden colored caves, below which are Naga palaces and Naga pleasure groves, lakes, ponds, pools, meadows adorned with flowers, springs, wells, waterfalls, flowing water in the lakes, and grassy plains and parks, as well as a jewel palace, everything arranged naturally most beautifully. Inside is the Naga king Varuna, their chief, the eight Great Naga Kings, and Queens, the entire assembly of Nagas and Bumi Putras and Putiris of the earth lords and earth caretakers, along with their retinue.

    Bless the Tingsha-cymbals by reciting



    Then play cymbals three times

    Now make invocation to the Naga Kings by emanating lights from HRIH syllable for my heart

    The light rays shine,
    From your fabulous jeweled hood,
    Dispelling all the darkness of the underworld;
    You who delight in the Teaching of Lord Buddha, incomparably powerful ones, Naga kings without exception, come here with your retinue!

    Actual offerings



    Make the Torma ball and water offering to the Nagas while chanting the following paragraph:

    While I am self-generated as Avalokiteshvara, from the palm of my hand, nectar merged with milk flows continuously like a stream transformed into the Torma materials and precious holy substances of various medicines, generated by transcendental wisdom like a great ocean of desirable objects visualized in front of me. The guest Nagas enjoy this. The effect of the healing is tremendous, it renewed limbs, and organs are healed. Pain and suffering are eliminated, and minds experience fulfillment with uncontaminated bliss.

    Thus while visualizing myself as most compassionate Arya Avalokiteshvara pour the holy water from the vase onto the offering Torma balls inside the bowl with the right hand at the same time snap with the fingers of my left hand once for each mantra recitation.

    Mantra to bless the Mala




    Main Mantra

    Naga Mantra in Tibetan Script.
    Naga Mantra in Tibetan Script.


    [ x 108]

    You are the lord of the assembly of Nagas

    Light shines from your jewel hood

    Bestow the supreme siddhi of everything desirable

    I bow down to you, Varuna.

    Ananta and Takshaka (Thaye and Jogpo)

    Karkotaka and Kulika (Tob kyi gyu and Rigden)

    Vasuki and Shankhapala (Norgye and Dung Kyung)

    Padma and Varuni (Pedma and Chu Lha)

    Nanda and Delight (Gawo and Nyer Ga wo)

    Ocean and Great Ocean,

    Glorious light and Great Radiance,

    Great Bodied One, good serpent Mahabala,

    Naga Kings and your retinue,

    Come here to enjoy this decorated Torma.

    The offering of the exquisite three whites and

    The three sweets, a swirling ocean of milk

    And beautiful jeweled stairs.

    May this become whichever conducive substance

    Protects for the suffering of the nagas.

    Enjoy the offering gifts and Torma,

    For us practitioners, the benefactor, and retinues.

    All four hundred and twenty-four diseases and

    The diseases of Nagas due to their own Karma

    Visible poison and touchable poison,

    Poison caused by bad thoughts and of vapors arising from the mouth,

    Intentionally caused by humans, and so forth,

    May all be soon pacified without exception.

    I offer these treasured substances from us:

    Cause and condition of all Naga disease to be eliminated,

    The four-siddhi actions of enlightenment,

    Increased wealth and prosperity.


    Naga rising from the waters receiving offerings.
    Naga rising from the waters receiving offerings.


    If you wish to practice this sadhana on a daily basis for the healing of sick people then visualize an ocean-like medicinal nectar arising to cure all the diseases of Nagas and earth lords and earth owners. In this way, it will be providing healing modalities for human beings and the Nagas at the same time.

    May injury of the inner organs, stomach, flesh, and blood

    Be healed by the King of Medicines, the six fabulous

    medicines for maintenance of the body (nutmeg, clove cubeb, cardamon, saffron, and bamboo pith).

    May deteriorated teeth, bones, and tongue

    Be healed by using cowrie shells and red silk.

    May our bones’ luster be restored

    By magnificent peacock feathers with the eye design,

    Also five-coloured silks used as part of the ritual,

    Fruit of Kyema Shosha will purify and

    Heal disease of heart, kidneys, and lungs.

    May damage of the limbs and other parts of the body be healed

    By herbs of Latifolia like Oxalis, Ulmus minor and Vitisvinifera,

    Powerful hand-claws of freshwater or salt water Crocodile.

    May impaired arteries, nerves, tendons, and muscles

    Be healed by using powerful herbs and minerals like

    The fragrant root of andropogon muricatus, and

    Medicinal stones such as gray antimony.

    Incense made with sage and juniper and so on,

    Polygonum aviculture, Ji-thangka medicinal fruit (effective against worms) 

    The three fruits and assortment of medicines, and

    Bubbles from the ocean waves, will restore skandhas and dhatus.

    By the five precious minerals and varieties of grains,

    Your treasure house will be restored.

    The three whites (curds, milk, and butter) and the three sweets

    (molasses, honey and sugar ) will restore bad complexions.

    In short, may the power of conducive medicinal substances

    Heal the sickness and sorrow of Naga and earth owners.

    May their sense faculties be clear and properties increase,

    And love and compassion fill their minds.

    May their crops and livestock increase

    Perfect rain fall annually, and

    May the essence of fruitful nectars

    Increase in this troubled world of ours.

    Then, in order to purify the wrongdoings and obscurations of all the Nagas, recite the following:

    Mantra of Akshobhya


    [ 7x or more]

    Offering of Dharma

    All phenomena arise from a cause,
    The Tathagata taught those causes.
    What is it that stops the cause and action: The Great Monk Buddha did explain this.

    Like stars, distorted vision (of hair), butter lamps Mirages, dew and bubbles
    Dreams, lightning and clouds:
    Thus one should see compounded things.

    Final requests

    Nagas and owners of the earth, with your entire retinue, Your own bodies as an example,
    Please do not cause harm for others.

    The result of beneficial acts toward others is happiness,
    And the result of harmful actions towards to others is suffering.

    For example, all pungent seeds produce pungent fruits, And from all sweet seeds, sweet fruit will arise.

    Likewise, by remembering your Samaya vows, Abandon the mind of anger and wrath,
    Spread the minds of Metta-Karuna.

    The objects of experience of the five senses,
    All desirable, enjoyment, perfection and excellence, Having healed all diseases of Nagas,
    And liberated from all suffering,

    May we able to see the holy face of Vajrapani,
    And with the healing power of the Garuda,
    May we be liberated and released from the lower realms, And achieve the longevity of Vajrasattva .


    Buddha Weekly Vajrapani Hayagriva Garuda Himalayan Art Buddhism
    The Three Wrathful Ones: Vajrapani Hayagriva Garuda. Vajrapani is in the center, visualized on his head is Hayagriva’s green horse head and the white King Garuda.


    Say the Garuda Mantra (while doing the Garuda Mudra)


    Buddha Weekly Garuda mudra Buddhism
    Garuda Mudra.

    Vajrasattva Mantra and Requests Purifying Mistakes and Omissions

    Editors Note: Here in Padmasattva form, as Avalokiteshvara is Padma Family (Lotus Family).


    Buddha Weekly Vajrasattva feature image with mantra by Jampay Dorje Buddhism
    Vajrasattva, a detail from art by Jampay Dorje (Ben Christian.) For a feature on Ben Christian, see>>


    Whichever aspects of this practice I have neither carried out Nor completed because of my ignorant mind,
    I request your forgiveness.
    Please help me and all sentient beings

    To cultivate the supreme realizations
    And experience the results of all contemplations.

    Request the departure of the Nagas to their own Abodes


    The Naga kings and their retinue return to their natural abode in the Naga realms.


    The entire visualized universe and its inhabitants, who are in the form of Arya Avalokiteshvara, dissolve into me. I dissolve into the HRIH at my heart. HRIH dissolves into HA. This vanishes like a rainbow vanishing in the sky.

    Contemplate this with conviction

    Once more, within the sphere of Emptiness, I instantly arise in the form of Arya Avalokiteshvara, possessing the threefold attitude described, and at once engage in extensive deeds to benefit others.

    Dedication of merit

    May I develop the peerless Bodhichitta mind which is latent within me, and
    May that which I have already generated go from strength to strength. May I enjoy success, both spiritual and otherwise. and

    Never parted from my perfect Guru in all of my lives,
    By comprehensively amassing the qualities of the paths and levels, May I attain speedily the state of Arya Avalokiteshvara.

    Verses of Auspiciousness

    May the heavens and earth be filled
    With hosts of Noble Goddesses reciting benedictions, And flowers raining through the skies,
    As oceans of auspicious signs fill all three worlds.

    Through the presence of the countless Dakas and Dakinis, And the assembly of the Sangha community,
    The holders of this tradition of practice,
    May all virtues and goodness reign,

    Let all be auspicious.

    Final dedication from Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

    I dedicate the composition of this Sadhana of Avalokiteshvara and my translation of First Panchen Lama Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen’s beautiful Naga Puja text, for the eight Kings of Nagas and their attendants, to repay his great kindness.

    I dedicate the merit and virtues I have obtained from being able to compile and make adaptations of this text, for the preservation of pure water system, oceans, lakes and rivers: May they always remain pure, and provide the source of goodness, for the benefit of all sentient beings.

    Love and Blessings for all Nagas Zasep Tulku Rinpoche July, 2021

    Thank you to Amanda Buckley for editing this beautiful sadhana.

    Skycave Buddha Weekly Rinpoche Zasep H E Zasep Buddhism
    H.E. Zasep Rinpoche, spiritual director of several Buddhist meditation centers in Canada, the U.S. and Australia. Photo: Skycave.


    About Venerable Archarya Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

    Rinpoche is popularly known for his approachable teaching style, strong humor, and teachings based on a long lineage of great lamas. His own gurus included the most celebrated of Gelug teachers: His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, His Holiness Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, Venerable Geshe Thupten Wanggyel, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Venerable Lati Rinpoche, Venerable Tara Tulku Rinpoche, and Venerable Khalkha Jetsun Dampa Rinpoche.

    Rinpoche is spiritual director Gaden for the West and of many temples, meditation centers and retreat centers in Australia, the United States, and Canada. He was first invited to teach in Australia by Lama Thubten Yeshe in 1976.

    Venerable Zasep Rinpoche is the spiritual director of these centers:

    Gaden for the West Meditation Centres


    • Vajra Ling, Uralla, N.S.W.
    • Losang Gyalwa Mandala, Sydney, N.S.W.
    • Tenzing Ling Centre, Quamaa, N.S.W.
    • Dorje Ling Retreat Centre, Lorina Valley, Tasmania


    United States


    Zasep Tulku RInpoche teaching in Mongolia.

    Zasep Tulku Rinpoche teaching in Mongolia.


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    Nagas emerging from a sacred lake, painting by Russian artist Nicholas Roerich.
    Venerable Zasep Rinpoche Teaching: Buddhist Naga Practice is Helpful to Heal Environment — Full Sadhana Translated
    Venerable Zasep Rinpoche teaching at a Tara weekend using the commentary book, Tara in the Palm of Your Hand, as a reference.
    Tara Book excerpt and teaching: Who is Tara and how can She help us? An introduction to Tara, Karma, Shunyata, Dependent Arising, and Buddha Nature by Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche
    Commentary On The Heart Sutra by Zasep Tulku Rinpoche — Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form

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    Venerable Zasep Rinpoche

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Rinpoche is spiritual head of many Dharma Centres, and teaches around the world. Originally from Kham province in Tibet (born 1948) Rinpoche has taught in the west since 1976, after he was first invited by Geshe Thubten Loden and Lama Yeshe to teach at the Chenrezig Institute in Australia. Today, he is spiritual head of the Gaden for the West centres in Canada, U.S., and Australia and also spiritual director of the the charities Gaden Relief Project (Canada) and Manlha Tus NGO (Mongolia). He is the author of three books, including his latest release in 2018 with a rare English commentary and practice instructions for Gelug Mahamudra.

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