Video: Amitabha Buddha Mantra Om Ami Dewa Hri — bring infinite light and love into your life: powerfully chanted by Yoko Dharma with animated visualizations
Perhaps the best known Buddhist mantra — after Om Mani Padme Hum — is the name mantra of Amitabha Buddha:
Om Ami Dewa Hri
For many, Amitabha Buddha practice is profound and complete. In its shortest form, practice entails simply sitting and chanting this amazing mantra as many times as possible. As your mind relaxes into the mantra, you will find the peace and light of Amitabha Buddha. May you benefit from this short visualization mantra video, chanted by the amazing vocals of Yoko Dharma:
Amitabha: merits so vast, all can benefit
Not only is he practiced by nearly all Mahayana Buddhists, he is the most approachable Buddha for a new Buddhist to practice. In this life, we are conditioned to respond in kind to love and compassion — and Amitabha is the highest form of both. This is why his practitioners tend to display so much love and compassion and faith in Amitabha. Who doesn’t welcome compassion and love in their lives? Other Buddha forms might represent “wisdom” or “healing” or “protection”, but Amitabha is best known as “compassion” and “love.” Of course, Amitabha stands for wisdom, heals and protects — and other Buddhas are equally compassionate — but his “label” is defined by compassion. This was established in his great sutra vows.
His practice is easy and welcoming, and his merits are so vast that all beings can benefit. Everyone can identify with his role as the embodiment of “compassionate love.”
About Yoko Dharma

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Yoko Dharma
Author | Buddha Weekly
I sing to create awareness and positive global change. Invoking healing, peace and transformation through the power of music, my intention and my lyrics.
As I grow and cultivate these things in my own life, my motivation is to inspire others to do so as well. If we can realize the true wisdom and compassion that is deep within us and if we genuinely come from a place of caring and compassion when relating to other people, I believe we can truly change the whole world.