Buddhist Living

Why do Families Fight? Buddha’s advice for Families on Resolving Conflicts; Embracing our Buddha Nature

Celebrating the extraordinary activities and life of His Holiness Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche, the Sakya Trichen

Buddha’s Holy Mind, the Stupa: 18 benefits to Prostrating to, Circumambulating or Building of Stupas — according to Sutra

Honoring the Lotus Born: Guru Rinpoche Days in 2024 – Celebrating the Lotus Born Padmasambhava Monthly on the 10th

Buddha Dharma practice reboot? With Refuge and Bodhichitta, you are not alone — methods to supercharge your enthusiasm for Buddhist practice

“Torches That Help Light My Path”: Thich Nhat Hanh’s Translation of the Sutra on the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings

Complete Guide to Buddhist Mantra Yana Practice: 4 Foundations and 9 Tips for Maximizing Mantra Benefits

Saga Dawa Duchen and the Month of Merits: Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment and Paranirvana Celebrated With “Merit Multiplied”

Alternatives to “Seated” Meditation: Dance, Stand, Drum, Chant, and Move Your Way to Active Enlightenment — Taking a Stand: Activity Yogas

Guru Rinpoche Taught “Mala Should Accompany You Like Your Shadow”– A Complete Buddhist Guide to Practicing with a Mala

Tashi Delek! Happy LOSAR Tibetan Lunar New Year Year of the Dragon; how to prepare, how to celebrate to bring auspicious blessings

The “Four Rs” of the Lunar Year End in Buddhism: Vital Vajrasattva Practice and Pre-Losar Traditions Explained

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024! New Year’s Buddhist practices for an auspicious, peaceful and happy year for all beings

Lunar Dharma Dates for 2024: Buddha Days, Recurring Puja Days, Annual Celebrations in Three Buddhist Traditions

Clearing the Confusion on Lunar Dates: How, When, and Why to Celebrate These Sacred Lunar Days in 2024

Understanding the Significance of Dharma Protector Day in Vajrayana Buddhism: the “Guardian Angels” of Dharma

Lantern Festival (元宵節)— Celebrating our ancestors and promoting peace has its origins in Buddhist celebrations

Ganden Ngamchoe Paranirvana Day: Celebrating the Great Enlightened Sage from the Land of Snows Lama Tsongkhapa December 7

A Light to the World — Celebrate Buddha’s Descent from Heaven on Lhabab Duchen: merit multiplied ten million times

Is it easier to practice Buddhist meditations in our dreams? Enlightenment through Dream Yoga, is it possible?

Illumination: A Guide to the Buddhist Method of No-Method — book excerpt by Rebecca Li Ph.D “What Silent Illumination Is”

What is the difference between Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism? Three Vehicles, One Desitnation

Rebirth and Karma are important in Buddhism but What is the Reasonable Evidence for Rebirth, Previous Lives and Karma?

Prostration, Praise and Prayers — the most essential practices for busy Buddhists. “Go Bananas” for Buddha: Devotion

Karma is Not Fate: Why Karma is Empowering. Why do bad things happen to good people? How can we escape the wheel of suffering?

June 4 this year is SAGA DAWA DUCHEN — celebrating Shakyamuni Buddha’s Enlightenment and Paranirvana! May All Beings Benefit!

Buddha: How to protect wealth, associate with virtuous friends and relate to your spouse, employer, children: guidance for lay practitioners in Sigalovada Sutta

Day of Highest Merits: Celebrate Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment and Paranirvana on Saga (Saka) Dawa Duchen June 4, 2023

Cham Dance in Tibetan Buddhism and Vajrayana: What is it and why is it important for Losar and other special occasions

Buddha’s Nirvana Day: Celebrations for Paranirvana day; quoting the last admonition of Buddha: Mahaparinibban Sutta

Kukkuripa’s Dog and the Sacred Animals in Buddhism — Power Animals of Enlightened Deities and their meaning

Prayer Wheels — “Mindful meritorious, mantra wheels” — Holy Land Prayer Wheels, guided by advice from H.E. Garchen Rinpoche

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Auspicious Buddhist traditions for New Year. Celebrating with joy, optimism, and compassion — for the benefit of all sentient beings!

Compassion and Love: Buddha’s remedy for suffering for all sentient beings: unattached, unselfish Karuna and Metta

Shakyamuni Buddha, born to “warrior caste” taught how to be a fearless Buddhist: overcoming ignorance and suffering with the “weapons” of wisdom and compassion

A Theravadan monk explains how Buddhist mindfulness and clinical therapeutic mindfulness are complimentary — but not the same

2023: Celebrating the Lunar: Special “moon” dates for Buddha Dharma Practice including Buddha Days, Tsog, Medicine Buddha, Tara

“The Dalai Lama will see you now” — chapter excerpt from Threads of Awakening by Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo.

“The Sakya Jetsumas — The Hidden World of Tibetan Female Lamas” — spiritual biographies of the great female meditation masters

Dharma Dates for August 2022: Lord Buddha’s First Teaching and Lord Ksitigarbha’s Birthday and much more to celebrate: lunar to western calendar conversion

Sacred Statue Support (pictorial): “More than a venerable object” — Nepal’s Best Statues, 3rd Generation Bhim Pathak on the Dharma craft of metal statue art

Inspired by Kyabje Garchen Rinpoche, Holy Land Prayer Wheels personalize Tibetan Prayer Wheels: interview with Micha Strauss

Meditation for children: Peer-reviewed studies support structured meditation in classrooms and homes to help children deal with depression, negative coping and self-hostility

The month of merit: Saga Dawa, celebrating Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment and Paranirvana — be generous, moral and practice often

Mindfulness in action and every-moment awareness: learning to live life to the fullest; meditation through living

Martial Arts and Buddhist practice have at least three things in common: discipline, mindfulness and compassion.

Why happiness and laughter are actual Buddhist teachings. The Sutra on Happiness, the Tathagata’s teaching “This is the great happiness!”

Mind-space, it’s all we need. Meditation quiets the mind, even if you can’t find a quiet space. Buddha’s advice “I am silent.”

Peacemaking Buddhism: importance of Ahimsa “Non-Harm” in Buddhism — “Nonviolence is the weapon of the strong.”

A Bee’s View of Buddha Dharma: “caring for bees” is a noble karmic act of the Pāramitā (Perfection) of Metta (loving kindness)

21 Taras Surya Gupta Thanka — stunning art by Angeli Lhadripa Shkonda: interview featuring 21 Tara closeups

“Learning how to die” and “Why Meditating on Death May Bring Joy to Life”: What the Buddhist Teachers Say About End of Life, Dying, and Palliative Care

The Emptiness of Prayer—Who Do We Pray To? “You and the Buddha are not separate realities.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

Bodhi Day and Awakening to Dharma — celebrated on anniversary of Shakyamuni Gautauma Buddha’s Enlightenment

Metta meditation in times of crisis: “we all have a responsibility to exercise compassion” (Dalai Lama)

Drumming for Mindfulness — a simple way to calm the mind, remove stress and heal. Studies show drum meditation supports treatments of cancer, Parkinsons and depression.

Science: Research Indicates Vajrayana Meditation Techniques Involving Deity Visualization Improve Cognitive Performance and May Be Promising For Degenerative Brain Disorders

Mindfulness of Feelings Meditation: Overcoming Negative Feelings and Using Discriminating Alertness of Feelings in Your Practice: Mahamudra Teachings

Padmasambhava: The Eight Great Qualities of Taking Refuge; Taking Refuge in the Three Precious Jewels, the Defining Practice of Buddhism, and How it Can Rescue Us From All Dangers.

Video teaching: Metta and Karuna, the “most important” Buddhist practices of Love and Compassion, from H.E. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

Buddhist Practice: Practicing Joy in Difficult Times — Excerpt from Rebecca Li’s Allow Joy into Your Heart

Top 7 Buddhist Ideas for You to Develop Inner Transcendent Peace: Buddha Nature, Six Paramitas, Mindfulness and More

Dog and Cat Dharma: Did Buddha Teach That Dogs and Cats Have Buddha Nature? How Can You Help Your Companion Meet the Dharma in Daily Life?

Ghosts, Nagas, Demons and Duality: Are Supernatural Beings Cogenerated, Illusory, Dream or Ultimately Real?

“Dharma in motion”: Buddhism, Vajrayana Buddhist Tantra and Zen have as much in common with martial arts as religion?