Mantra Music: 8 Red Tara Power Mantras Magnetizing Chanted in Sanskrit by Buddha Weekly

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    In Lord Atisha’s practice Lineage of the 21 Taras, 8 of the 21 Taras are red or red-black. The Red Taras are the Power mantras, the magnetizing, attracting, influencing and enchanting mantras. Tare 1 is the Swift Heroine of Glory and Tara 5 is Kurukulle, both powerful magnetizing Taras. Also red are Tara 10, 17 and 21. The Red Black Taras (6, 8, and 13) are also Power and magnetizing Taras but slightly more “wrathful” — the irresistible force of Tara’s activities. Below the playlist, you’ll find all the mantras for chant along! May all beings benefit.



    Red Tara Power Mantras

    1 Swift Lady of Glory  (Red Tara). SONG TITLE TRACK 1: Red Tara Swift Heroine of Glory (1) 

    om tare tuttare ture vasham kuru svaha

    तरे तुत्तरे तुरे वशम कुरु स्वहा

    5. Tara Who Proclaims the Sound of Hum   (Red Tara Kurukulla) SONG TITLE TRACK 2: Enchanting Red Tara Kurukulle (5)

    om tare tuttare ture shtri akarshaya hrih svaha

    तरे तुत्तरे श्त्री अकर्शय हृह स्वहा 

    6. Tara Who Is Completely Victorious Over the Three Worlds (Red Black) SONG TITLE TRACK 3 : Completely Victorious Red Black Tara (6)

    om tare tutare ture shatrun ucchataya svaha

    तरे तुतरे तुरे शत्रुन उक्चतय स्वहा

    8. Tara Who Conquers Maras and Enemies (Red  Black Tara) SONG TITLE TRACK 4: Red Black Tara Who Conquers Enemies (8)

    om tare tuttare ture sarva mara shatrun maraya phat svaha

    तरे तुत्तरे तुरे सर्व मरा शत्रुन मरय फत स्वहा

    10. Tara Who Brings Maras and the World Under Her Power (Red Tara).  SONG TITLE TRACK 5: Red Tara Who Controls the World (10)

    om tare tuttare ture sarva mara pramardhani svaha

    तरे तुत्तरे सर्व मरा प्रमर्धनी स्वहा

    13. Tara Who Blazes Like Fire or Tara Who Averts War and Destroys Enemies (Red Black Tara). SONG TITLE TRACK 6: Red Black Tara Destroyer of Obstacles (13)

    om tare tuttare ture bhaya bhasmim kuru svaha

    तरे तुत्तरे तुरे भय भस्मिम कुरु स्वहा

    16. Tara Who Arises from the HUM of Intrinsic Awareness (Red ) SONG TITLE TRACK 7: Red Tara Who Increases Wisdom (16)

    om tare tuttare ture sarva dharma prati parishodhaya svaha

    तरे तुत्तरे तुरे सर्व धर्मा प्रती परिशोधय स्वहा

    20. Tara Who Removes Pestilence  (Red Tara) SONG TITLE: Red Tara Remover of Disease (20)

    om tare tuttare ture visarata svaha

    तरे तुत्तरे तुरे विसरता स्वहा

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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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