Mantra Music: 8 Red Tara Power Mantras Magnetizing Chanted in Sanskrit by Buddha Weekly
In Lord Atisha’s practice Lineage of the 21 Taras, 8 of the 21 Taras are red or red-black. The Red Taras are the Power mantras, the magnetizing, attracting, influencing and enchanting mantras. Tare 1 is the Swift Heroine of Glory and Tara 5 is Kurukulle, both powerful magnetizing Taras. Also red are Tara 10, 17 and 21. The Red Black Taras (6, 8, and 13) are also Power and magnetizing Taras but slightly more “wrathful” — the irresistible force of Tara’s activities. Below the playlist, you’ll find all the mantras for chant along! May all beings benefit.
Red Tara Power Mantras
1 Swift Lady of Glory (Red Tara). SONG TITLE TRACK 1: Red Tara Swift Heroine of Glory (1)
om tare tuttare ture vasham kuru svaha
ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे वशम कुरु स्वहा
5. Tara Who Proclaims the Sound of Hum (Red Tara Kurukulla) SONG TITLE TRACK 2: Enchanting Red Tara Kurukulle (5)
om tare tuttare ture shtri akarshaya hrih svaha
ॐ तरे तुत्तरे श्त्री अकर्शय हृह स्वहा
6. Tara Who Is Completely Victorious Over the Three Worlds (Red Black) SONG TITLE TRACK 3 : Completely Victorious Red Black Tara (6)
om tare tutare ture shatrun ucchataya svaha
ॐ तरे तुतरे तुरे शत्रुन उक्चतय स्वहा
8. Tara Who Conquers Maras and Enemies (Red Black Tara) SONG TITLE TRACK 4: Red Black Tara Who Conquers Enemies (8)
om tare tuttare ture sarva mara shatrun maraya phat svaha
ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे सर्व मरा शत्रुन मरय फत स्वहा
10. Tara Who Brings Maras and the World Under Her Power (Red Tara). SONG TITLE TRACK 5: Red Tara Who Controls the World (10)
om tare tuttare ture sarva mara pramardhani svaha
ॐ तरे तुत्तरे सर्व मरा प्रमर्धनी स्वहा
13. Tara Who Blazes Like Fire or Tara Who Averts War and Destroys Enemies (Red Black Tara). SONG TITLE TRACK 6: Red Black Tara Destroyer of Obstacles (13)
om tare tuttare ture bhaya bhasmim kuru svaha
ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे भय भस्मिम कुरु स्वहा
16. Tara Who Arises from the HUM of Intrinsic Awareness (Red ) SONG TITLE TRACK 7: Red Tara Who Increases Wisdom (16)
om tare tuttare ture sarva dharma prati parishodhaya svaha
ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे सर्व धर्मा प्रती परिशोधय स्वहा
20. Tara Who Removes Pestilence (Red Tara) SONG TITLE: Red Tara Remover of Disease (20)
om tare tuttare ture visarata svaha
ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे विसरता स्वहा
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Lee Kane
Author | Buddha Weekly
Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.