Mantra Music: Yellow Tara Enriching Mantras Chanted in Sanskrit by Buddha Weekly
Mother Tara, the activity of all the Buddhas, emanates in yellow and golden forms in the lineage of Lord Atisha’s 21 Taras, each with a mantra and a particular focus on Enriching activities: enriching life force, enriching our resources and auspiciousness, enriching our circumstances. Enjoy the Buddha Weekly Yellow Tara Enriching Mantras Album (available for streaming on all popular streaming services).
Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Instagram/Facebook, TikTok & other ByteDance stores, YouTube Music, Amazon, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, iHeartRadio, Claro Música, Saavn, Boomplay, Anghami, NetEase, Tencent, Qobuz, Joox, Kuack Media, Adaptr, Flo, MediaNet
The Third Tara is Tara of Golden Yellow Color.
Her mantra
om tare tuttare ture pushtim kuru svaha
Her mantra is for enrichment, generally, of auspicious circumstances as indicated by Longchenpa’s instruction for “pushtim kuru svaha.”
As with all Yellow Taras, we visualize as instructed by Longchenpa:
Think of everything as yellow. A rain of wealth, life, and so forth falls. Thinking that our dwelling places and bodies are pervaded, do the recitation.
The Fourth is Yellow Tara of Complete Victory
Embodying All Positive Qualities and Ushnisha Vijaya is one of her forms.
Her mantra is
om tare tuttare ture ayur-jnana pushtim kuru svaha
This mantra supplicates Yellow Tara Ushnisha Vijaya to enrich vital life, health and wisdom. Ayur in the mantra means vital life and health and jnana is wisdom. The mantra ends again with pushtim kuru svaha for enriching activities.
Again you visualize a rain of yellow light.
The eleventh Tara is Yellow or Gold Tara Vasudahara
or Tara Who Brings Prosperity.
Her mantra
om tare tuttare ture vasudharini svaha
This is a supplication for prosperity and to alleviate poverty to none other than Vasudhara, who is Mother Earth, but who is also Golden Yellow Tara Vasudharani.
The Twelfth Tara is Golden Tara Who Grants All That is Auspicious
Her mantra
om tare tuttare ture mangalam svaha
This is a supplication for auspicious or “mangalam” circumstances in our life.
The Seventeenth Tara is Red Yellow Tara
Who Causes the Three Realms to Tremble
Her mantra
om tare tuttare ture sarva stambhani tare svaha
With Tare in the mantra twice, this supplicates Tara to swiftly remove all harm to you caused by evil intentions, curses or ill-wishes of others. Sarva is “all” while stambhani is a type of black magic or the evil intentions of others. She has the power to shake all three worlds.
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Lee Kane
Author | Buddha Weekly
Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.