Parnashavari Meditation Experiences — and meeting Hayagriva (What I experienced meditating with Buddha Weekly videos)
“Meeting Parnashavari and Hayagriva in the forest…” A readers meditative experience.
Editors Note
This lovely recollection of a visualized meditation from our reader/contributor Adrian Hamblin is just too beautiful not to publish. After meditating with two of Buddha Weekly’s volunteer-created videos, he sent these notes (and gave permission to publish.) We’ve embedded the two videos he watched before his meditations. He illustrates well the power of visualization over mind — symbols and image are the language of the mind. He labels them as “experiences” which is very apt. Visualization is the method taught by many great teachers to help us experience Buddha Dharma. [For a feature on the benefits of visualized meditation versus other methods, see>>]
By Adrian Hamblin
My first experience — Parnashavari in the forest
I started this inner meditative journey meeting with Parnashavari in a dense forest. She led me to a circular open space with a small spring/ well/ fountain and two chairs carved from logs in the center. Parnashavari offered me water from the well in a cup from a large leaf. I felt this flowing into me.
This is the video Adrian watched before meditating on Parnashavari in the forest:
I felt green-white energy flowing into my body – both in the meditation and apparently in my physical body – coming from above me, the Earth below me, and from Parnashavari herself. I felt this filling me. I soon felt this pooling in my abdomen…
I looked into this area of my body, seeing this energy connecting and working with old emotional wounds. The energy was wrapping around the emotional energy, separating the energies from my physical body. This comforted me.
I relaxed into the physical and emotional energies present in me. I felt them start to move, leaving my body, drooping into the ground at my feet. I soon felt better, with less discomfort.

Editors Note: Adrian also meditated on the Hayagriva Videos (embedded below) which led to another visualized meditative experience:
Second experience: Hayagriva’s protection
When I listened to this meditation a second time and visualized, I again met Parnashavari in the forest, walking with her to the grove with the spring and chairs. I sat in a chair and the forest around me dissipated to nothing.
I found myself standing in a field of nothing, floating. An image of the essence of the Coronavirus formed in front of me. I did not judge it or fear it, respecting it as it is. It seemed to have the attitude of a young, scared child. When it realized I was not going to attack or react negatively, it moved to cling to my left leg, seeming to try to hide behind me.
Hayagriva’s Mantra video:
I set the intention to see the energy behind the virus, causing people to react in fear and all the way humans have become when facing the virus. A large red cloud/fog formed in front of us, shifting form, seeming to try to threaten or be menacing us. We felt no fear, but I felt cautious and concerned.
I felt and saw a dark shadow rising behind me. The red cloud saw this also, and the attitude it was radiating changed from malicious to fearful. I felt concerned about this shadow rising within me. I managed to control my reaction.
The loud sound of a Horse’s neigh sounded from behind me. The red cloud reacted in fear. The Horse’s neigh told me (and the virus) that Hayagriva is with us, offering his protective promise.
The red cloud fled, retreating into the darkness.
I turned to face Hayagriva and thanked him. He did not say anything. In response to my thanks, he put a hand on my shoulder, giving a gentle, supportive, encouraging squeeze. Then he walked back into the darkness around us.
I turned to face the Coronavirus. We said goodbye to each other.
The forest grove formed around me. I was sitting in one of the chairs. Parnashavari was sitting in the other. I thanked her for this journey, then walked through the forest back into my physical body.

About Adrian Hamblin
Adrian Hamblin started his spiritual journey many years ago. He was introduced to Green Tara and White Tara through an exhibition of Tibetan art at a local fine arts museum in 2019. He discovered Buddha Weekly during a challenging time of life in November, 2021. He has found learning, strength, healing and growth through their videos, including the 21 Taras series.
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Adrian Hambliln
Author | Buddha Weekly
Adrian Hamblin started his spiritual journey many years ago. He was introduced to Green Tara and White Tara through an exhibition of Tibetan art at a local fine arts museum in 2019. He discovered Buddha Weekly during a challenging time of life in November, 2021. He has found learning, strength, healing and growth through their videos, including the 21 Taras series.