
8 Great Bodhisattvas

8 Great Bodhisattvas

21 Taras Mantras-cover_Page_01

21 Mother Taras Mantras

Amitabha Sadhana Final_Page_01

Amitabha Buddha Sadhana and Dharani Mantra


Mantra Part 2: Good Vibrations — Mantras in Buddhist Practice “Of what is the body made? Of emptiness and rhythm.” How does mantra work?

Vajra and bell and mala are all important "Practice supports." Bell represents support of wisdom in our practice, vajra stands for activity and compassion, and the mala stands for Dharma speech.

The Sound of Enlightenment: Healing, Setting the Mind Free, Protecting the Mind, and Remaining Mindful of Dharma Throughout the Day

Vajrasattva 100 Syllable Mantra_Page_1

Vajrasattva 100 Syllable Mantra

Meditation has proven health benefits.

Settling the Mind or Activating the Mind — which meditation works, why and how? One’s good for health, the other for mind, and…

Mandala offerings are very active forms of veneration and meditation.

Mandala Offering: offering “everything to the Buddha” — purify karma and accumulate merit daily


Why Reciting Buddhist Sutras Out Loud is Important; Sutras Help Us Remain Mindful of the Teachings and Disengage the “Clinging” Conscious Mind

The very embodiment of emptiness — Prajnaparamita.

Heart Sutra: Why it’s My Favorite Sutra

Offerings (Tibetan Water Offering Bowls) in Lamayuru gompa (Tibetan Buddhist monastery). Ladadkh, India.

Buddhist Water Bowl Offerings as an Antidote to Attachment

Giant statue of Padmasambhava

Seven Line Prayer to Padmasambhava

Mala's and sacred written mantras assist Buddhists in counting mantra repetitions, valuable to practice and mindfulness focus.

I’m attached to my Mala


Loving Kindness: My Favorite Sutra

Respectful full-prostration bows are important to devout Korean Buddhists, one of the six essential practices.

Six Essential Practices of Korean Buddhists: Bowing, Meditation, Yeombul, Mantra, Sutra

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