Video: Lochana Vajra Mother Sanskrit Mantra 108 Times: Destroys Obstacles, Afflictions, Illnesses, Evil

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    Lochana 108 Times

    Mother Lochana’s name litearly means “Clear Visioned One.” She is the “calm ocean of wisdom”  according to her praise — the Wisdom or Prajna Mother of the Eastern Purelands, the co-Equal of Buddha Akshobhya. She calms anger and illness and other afflictions and obstacles.

    Original music, vocals, arrangement by BuddhaWeekly. Available for streaming.

    Her mantra is

    Om Vajra Locane Lom Svaha



    Pronounce the c in Locane as “ch” in Sanksrit. Locane (pronounced Lochaney is the vocative of Lochana)

    Her seed syllable, which is her “Dharmakaya nature” is LOM.

    Meaning of Mantra

    – Om is homage to the body, speech and mind of the Enlightened One

    – Vajra is the indestructable nature of Awakening

    – Locane is the vocative form of Locana’s name

    – Lom is her Seed Syllable which is the heart of her nature

    – Svaha usually translates as “Well Said”

    Together, the Vajra family with their powerful Vajra can subjugate any obstacle with their Mirror-like Wisdom. Blue, symbolizing cooling water and reflection, is also the color of healing. Mighty Vajrapani is the Karma son of the family. Their sacred animals are the elephant and snow lion.

    She is very beautiful, and normally blue to symbolize her subduing or subjugating power. Like Vajrapani, and other blue Buddhas of the Vajra family, their specialty is subjugating and destroying the evil that afflicts us. They can subjugate and cool hate, illness, negative karma.

    Her praise describes her, and her benefits (from Vesantara)

    Dawn of wisdom,
    Your blue radiance illuminates a new world, Free from suffering.
    Your eyes are like calm oceans
    Reflecting perfection.
    Seeing all, knowing all.
    To you I joyfully prostrate.

    Dawn of wisdom
    Your slender fingers
    Touch the bedrock of reality.
    Your upturned palm supports the vajra-bell, The empty mandala of the wisdom goddess. To you I reverently prostrate.

    Dawn of wisdom,
    Destroyer of all suffering,
    In the vajra-sphere beyond subject and object You fashion the jagged shards of hatred
    Into wisdom’s diamond adornments.
    To you I lovingly prostrate.

    Dawn of wisdom,
    Vajra Queen,
    Buddha from time before time, Complete in yourself,
    And consort of the noble Aksobhya.

    MUSIC AVAILABLE “Five Mother Buddha Mantras” by Buddha Weekly on your favorite streaming service: Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Instagram/Facebook, TikTok & other ByteDance stores, YouTube Music, Amazon, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, iHeartRadio, Claro Música, Saavn, Boomplay, Anghami, NetEase, Tencent, Qobuz, Joox, Kuack Media, Adaptr, Flo, MediaNet




    Vessantara’s website

    For a documentary on the Five Buddha Families, which includes Lochana, see:

    NOTE: Lochana has different forms, like most Enlightened deities. In some lineages, we see her as white with wheel associated with Vairochana and in another as yellow in the south. But the most popular practices associate her with Blue Akshobhya. All are correct. Enlightened deities are not limited by forms.

    Lochana Vajra Mother

    Co-Equal Consort: Akshobhya Buddha

    Poison they remedy: anger

    Wisdom: Reflection

    Family: Vajra

    Color: Blue

    Element: Water

    Position: East

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    Lee Kane

    Author | Buddha Weekly

    Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. His main focuses as a writer are mindfulness techniques, meditation, Dharma and Sutra commentaries, Buddhist practices, international perspectives and traditions, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen. He also covers various events.
    Lee also contributes as a writer to various other online magazines and blogs.

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