Amitabha Dharani
Amitabha Pureland Dharani for removal of obstacles
The benefits of reciting the Amitabha Dharani, according to Sutra, are included in the full name of this mantra — “Dhāraṇī for pulling out the fundamental cause of karmic obstacles and obtaining rebirth in the Pure Lands” (Chinese: 拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼). It is also known as Pure Land Rebirth Dhāraṇī (Chinese: 往生淨土神咒; Wang Sheng Jing Tu Shen Zhou), or Rebirth Mantra (Chinese: 往生咒; Wang Sheng Zhou) for short. Thes also state the benefits of chanting — auspicious circumstances, and rebirth in Amitabha’s Pureland in future.
Here we provide PDF downloads of Pujas, Practices, Sadhanas, and Sutras for recitation:
• Download Amitabha Dharani
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