Book / Movie Review

The Five Hindrances and the Flow of Experience: Excerpt from Integral Vipissana: Mindfulness through Psychology, Neuroscience, and the Satipatthana Sutta

Illumination: A Guide to the Buddhist Method of No-Method — book excerpt by Rebecca Li Ph.D “What Silent Illumination Is”

“The Dalai Lama will see you now” — chapter excerpt from Threads of Awakening by Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo.

“The Sakya Jetsumas — The Hidden World of Tibetan Female Lamas” — spiritual biographies of the great female meditation masters

“I Meet the Buddha” — Chapter excerpt from “Pilgrim Maya” a Buddhist “pilgrim” quest that ends in “nothing” — a novel by Bela Breslau and Stephen Billias

Book Review: Tasting the Essence of Tantra: Buddhist Meditation for Contemporary Western Life by Rob Preece — Highly Recommended

Buddhist Practice: Practicing Joy in Difficult Times — Excerpt from Rebecca Li’s Allow Joy into Your Heart

Book Excerpt: Gelug Mahamudra, Eloquent Speech of Manjushri, a commentary and practice guide on Sutra and Tantra Mahamudra by Ven. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

Switch Up from Studying: Buddhist Feature Films Can be Illuminating and Enjoyable: 6 Distinctly Different Movies

Exclusive: read two chapters from international bestselling author David Michie’s new Tibetan Buddhist thriller “The Secret Mantra”

Book Review: Tara in the Palm of Your Hand: a guide to the practice of the twenty-one Taras in the Surya Gupta lineage

Interview with meditation teacher Kimberly Brown, author of Steady, Calm, and Brave: 25 Practices of Resilience and Wisdom in a Crisis

“Who is Tara?” — the miraculous, mystical and marvelous view. Book excerpt from “A Belief in the Miraculous” — Jason Espada

Book Excerpt “Transcending” — an important book that embraces the Trans Path: “What is body anyway?”

Review: Gelug Mahamudra Eloquent Speech of Manjushri by Zasep Tulku Rinpoche; making the profound and complex meditation method concise and clear