Dharma Dates 2024

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Beautiful Amitabha temple full moon

4 Practices on Lunar Days: 5 Buddha’s Vow and Practicing Activity, Merit, Reflection, Renewal

Why are lunar days, such as the new moon and full moon, special in Buddhism? What are the four special practice days based on lunar phases that have extra merit for Dharma practice? Why is the New Moon on the last day of the lunar month, special for Purification practices and what are the four […]

Lama Zopa Rinpoche at a puja.

Ganapuja (Gathering Offering) and Ganachakra (Gathering Circle) or Tsog (Tsok): What is it? Why is the Offering Important? When to Celebrate?

What is Ganapuja, Ganachakra or Tsog (Tsok) and why is it so precious and important? From the Heruka Root Tantra regarding Ganachakra: Quickly attempt to make offerings Every waxing and waning of each month do tsog. About Ganapuja from book of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu – Ganapuja, Shang Shung Edizioni ‘…we call the Ganapuja tun cog. Tun is practice […]


Honoring the Lotus Born: Guru Rinpoche Days in 2024 – Celebrating the Lotus Born Padmasambhava Monthly on the 10th

The 10th of the lunar month is the day we celebrate Guru Rinpoche each month. (Dates below for this year!) According to National Today: “Believers agree that he was born on the tenth day of the sixth lunar moon. However, the specific year of his birth has been lost to history. However, his birth took […]

Tara is not a static concept. Instead of a seated Buddha, we think of her as a dynamic action heroine, the karma goddess helping and rescuing beings. Here in our concept from our Video "Boundless Heroine Tara" she is rescuing a caravan from bandits. This image is available in our dgital gallery for personal use, or for use in social media or sharing with credit to @BuddhaWeekly..

HAPPY TARA DAY! 2024 Tara Days: How, When, and Why we Celebrate the Mother of the Buddhas

HAPPY TARA DAY! Every day is Tara day, although typically we celebrate especially on the eighth day of the lunar month, which is auspicious for Tara practice. The second auspicious day for Tara Puja is on the Full Moon Day, which is also Medicine Buddha Puja Day.   In 2024 Tara Dates Are: These are […]

Buddha statue against a full moon. Lunar calendar is very important in Buddhism, with most major events celebrated according to the lunar calendar.

Lunar Dharma Dates for 2024: Buddha Days, Recurring Puja Days, Annual Celebrations in Three Buddhist Traditions

Most special days in Buddhist Practices tend to align on lunar calendars. Buddha’s birthday, for example, varies on the Western calendar year-to-year. (Dates below are updated to 2024!) Losar, or Tibetan New Year, is celebrated on the Lunar calendar. The most important days of the entire year are typically the “Buddha Days” at the beginning […]

Buddha statue against a full moon.

Clearing the Confusion on Lunar Dates: How, When, and Why to Celebrate These Sacred Lunar Days in 2024

Sacred lunar days 2024: why they’re important, when and how to celebrate Buddha Days, Tsog Feasts, Puja Days in Tibetan, Mahayana, and Theravada Buddhist traditions Lunar calendars can be confusing — especially since there are three systems: lunisiderial, lunisolar, and pure lunar. For this reason, our Lunar Dharma Dates calendar has different dates for Buddha […]

Dakini Days, celebrating the Dakini activities of Wisdom and Compassion of all the Buddhas, are celebrated on the 25th day of the lunar month.

Dakini Days in 2024: Celebrating the Wisdom Activity of the Enlightened Dakinis

Dakini Day, celebrated on the 25th day of each lunar month in Vajrayana Buddhist traditions, celebrates the feminine energy of wisdom.  Dakini Day and Tsog on the 25th of the Lunar Month: January 6 February 5 March 5 April 4 May 3 July 1 and July 30 August 28 September 27 October 26 November 25 […]

Black Mahakala is the most iconic of the wrathful Enlightened Deities. He is a ferocious emanation of the Buddha of Compassion Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig.

Understanding the Significance of Dharma Protector Day in Vajrayana Buddhism: the “Guardian Angels” of Dharma

“There are both male and female protectors (dharmapāla). Protectors are very extensive. They can be dharma protectors or worldly protectors. Your teacher is a dharma protector. A worldly protector can be someone who protects your country. There are protectors of your family and your beliefs. There are your personal protectors. There are guardian protectors who […]

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