
The Three Supremes in Marpa Lotsawa's lineage are Vajrasattva, Tara and Usnisha Vijaya Namgyalma.

Why are Vajrasattva, Tara and Ushnisha Vijaya described as the Three Supremes? Triad of Practice: Purifying Ignorance; Overcoming Samsaric Dangers; Triumph Over Death

Beautiful Amitabha temple full moon

4 Practices on Lunar Days: 5 Buddha’s Vow and Practicing Activity, Merit, Reflection, Renewal

Vajrasattva, a detail from art by Jampay Dorje (Ben Christian.)

Ultimate Purity as a Practice: Vajrasattva – the only practice most people need and the most powerful healing and purification method in Vajrayana Buddhism

Visualizing Tara, from a video by Buddha Weekly.

Upaya: Is Skillful Means, Imagination and Creativity the Path to Realizations? Experiential Buddhist Practice or Yogas Enhance Intellectual Study.

Ushnisha Vijaya Namgyalma is more than a long life Goddess. She is one of the Three Supremes in some of Marpa the Translators key practices. Beautiful painting by Angeli Lhadripa Shkonda.

Ushnisha Vijaya Dharani Overcomes Six Types of Suffering, Conquering the Lord of Death: Supreme in Six Realms

Where can we find the Buddha? Buddha can be found in our own mindspace as we meditate on Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Where is Buddha? Where are Purelands? Where is the most Sacred Place? “Your mind” is where you’ll find Buddha, Dharma and Sangha


Limitless Tara, Beyond the Green: Mother of all the Buddhas, Goddess of Many Colors, Consort of Buddhas, Wisdom Mother, Action Hero…

Loving face of the Mother of All Buddhas Green Tara. Detail from art by Ben Christian.

Tara Principle: Wisdom, Compassion and Activity — the “practical” Karma Mother active in our daily, real-world lives

Ratnasambhava Buddha is the head of the Ratna or Jewel family. He is golden in colour, to symbolize the earth element and his auspicious enriching power. He helps bring us the prosperity and auspicious circumstance that allow us to help sentient beings. To his left and right are his sacred animal, the horses who support his throne. They symbolize earth and wish-fuflilment.

The Four Generosities of the Buddha Ratnasambhava and the Jewel Family: Practices, Sutras, and Mantras to Conquer Pride with Equality

Three of the nine deities of the Wangdu with the Lotus King Padmaraja, an emanation of Padmasmbhava in the center. To the left and right are Ghuyajnana and Vajravarahi.

Nine Red Yidams of Amitabha’s Padma Family: Why Magnetizing Buddhas are called “Cloud of Blessings”

A monk meditating on Oneness with the world and the Universe on top of a mountain.

The Purity Essence Mantra: Understanding and Practicing the Mantra OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHO SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM


Honoring Guru Rinpoche: The Life and Teachings of the Lotus Born Padmasambhava Buddha on His Annual Anniversary

Vajrayogini and Green Tara can be thought of as two aspects of the Wisdom Female Buddha.

Tara, the Saviour, and Vajrayogini the Sarvabuddhadakini: how are they different, and how are they the one? The importance of Female Buddhas: Wisdom personified

From a Wang Du Thangka the magnetizing deities (left to right) Chenrezig (Padmapani), Amitabha (top) Hayagriva (right) and Vajradharma (bottom.)

Wangdu Great Cloud of Blessings: the 9 Magnetizing Activity Yidams of the Padma Buddha family: Amitabha, Kurukulla, Chenrezig, Hayagriva, Vajrayogini, Vajradharma, Padmaraja, Chakrasamvara, Guhyajnana

A devoted Buddhist of faith chanting mantras.

Complete Guide to Buddhist Mantra Yana Practice: 4 Foundations and 9 Tips for Maximizing Mantra Benefits


Mantra Part 2: Good Vibrations — Mantras in Buddhist Practice “Of what is the body made? Of emptiness and rhythm.” How does mantra work?

Vajra and bell and mala are all important "Practice supports." Bell represents support of wisdom in our practice, vajra stands for activity and compassion, and the mala stands for Dharma speech.

The Sound of Enlightenment: Healing, Setting the Mind Free, Protecting the Mind, and Remaining Mindful of Dharma Throughout the Day

Amoghasiddhi Buddha. The "Tian Tan" or "Giant Buddha" at Po Lin Monastery Ngong Ping in Hong Kong is Amoghasiddhi, held his right hand up in Abhaya Mudra. This huge statue is on top of a mountain, with Amoghasiddhi's gaze looking out on the Samsaric world protectively.

Amoghasiddhi Essence of Lifeforce: Modern, Success-Oriented and Profound Practices of the Karma Buddha Family

Tsa Lung Trul Khor demonstration by Akarpa Rinpoche.

Tsa Lung Trul Khor, Yantra Yoga and Qigong — supercharging Buddhist meditation (8 videos)

21 Tara's according to Atisha lineage.

21 Mother Taras — the unlimited forms of compassionate activity with mantras and visualizations

Guru Rinpoche, the Lotus Born enlightened Buddha, came to Tibet to bring the Dharma in the 8th century.

Guru Rinpoche answers Lady Tsogyal: Should we practice one or many yidams? Is the master or the Yidam more important? Why is it important to practice the yidam deity?

The very face of compassion, Metta personified in glorious Avalokiteshvara, the compassionate Buddha.

Avalokitesvara compassion practices can “enhance treatment of anxiety, depression, trauma” say some scientists and clinicians. For the rest of us, his compassion brings us closer to bliss and wisdom.

Vajra and bell and mala are all important "Practice supports." Bell represents support of wisdom in our practice, vajra stands for activity and compassion, and the mala stands for Dharma speech.

Guru Rinpoche Taught “Mala Should Accompany You Like Your Shadow”– A Complete Buddhist Guide to Practicing with a Mala

Guru RInpoche, the second Buddha.

Guru Rinpoche’s advice for visualizing the deity: a how-to from Padmasambhava with advice from today’s teachers (with video how-to)

Milarepa painting, Nepal

Jetsun Milarepa: Anniversary of the Glorious Singing Sage of Tibet and “A SONG OF HAPPINESS”


50 Songs of Milarepa and the Grand Epic Story of Mila the Cotton Clad: Murder, Evil, Revenge, Redemption, Ordeals, Doing What’s Right

Vajrasattva painted by Laura Santi.

The “Four Rs” of the Lunar Year End in Buddhism: Vital Vajrasattva Practice and Pre-Losar Traditions Explained

H.E. Garchen Rinopche, a wonderful and highly accomplished teacher.

What are deities? Not other than “the qualities of the fully awakened… latent within us.” Who is Guru? “the pointer to these qualities”

Outdoor statue of Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava in Nepal at sunset.

Ten foundations of secret mantra; ten faults of being unsuccessful in Dharma practice; ten key points for practicing. Guru Rinpoche teaches Lady Tsogyal

The peaceful deities of the Bardo Thodrol Book of LIberation Through Understanding the Between.

Treasures of Bardo Thodol – The Book of Liberation Through Understanding the Between — incorrectly translated Tibetan Book of the Dead

Buddha-Weekly-Mala Beads Monk Buddhist mantra dreamstime_xl_23083212-Buddhism

9 Benefits of Buddhist Mantras: A Complete Buddhist Practice for Busy Lives, the Power of Intention, Accumulation, Sound and Dharma

Hayagriva 1 hour

Video: Hayagriva’s Powerful Mantra 1 Hour of Chanting: King of Protections, Mantra for troubled times

Green Jambhala. Image available from Vajrayana Print on Etsy.

Green Jambhala and Wisdom Dakini: The Karma Family Activity of Prosperity, aspects of Tara and Amoghasiddhi Buddha

Vasudhara in her most popular form in Tibet, with Two arms, Golden Yellow holding a sheef of corn. She is an aspect of Tara, called Yellow Tara (11th Tara in the Nyingma 21 Taras Lineage), and she is none other than Mother Earth's Enlightened Form, who controls the ten Guardians of the World.

Stream of Gems Vasudhārā: The Buddhist Tara Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity; Mother Earth Who Witnessed Buddha’s Enlightenment

Yellow Jambhala

Yellow Jambhala: Path to Genorsity through Financial Stability and Spiritual Prosperity

His Holiness the Dalai Lama hugs Kyabje Garchen Rinpoche.

What are the nine benefits of mantras and how do they work? His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Garchen Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen

Lama Tsongkhapa altar at a monastery.

Ganden Ngamchoe Paranirvana Day: Celebrating the Great Enlightened Sage from the Land of Snows Lama Tsongkhapa December 7

In Mahayana Buddhism, the Female Buddhas represent Perfect Wisdom and are indispensable. In Buddhism, the Female Buddhas sybmolize Perfect Wisdom while the Male Buddhas Represent Perfect Compassion. Both are co-equal partners as methods in Mahayana Buddhism. What is often misunderstood is the concept that even if you practice a single Buddha, for example, Amitabha, he is never separate from his Female Co-Equal Buddha Pandara. Or, if you practice Green Tara as a sole practice, she is never separate from her co-Equal Male Budddha Amoghasiddhi. These are forms, manifesting to help us according to our own preferences and needs. Photo of beautiful artwork in Bruno Letzia's Siddartha Tarot Deck, which is a Vajrayana-inspired deck. Available from Amazon.

Five Female Buddhas or Mothers: Their Roles as Prajnas or Enlightened Wisdom — Inseparable Co-Equals Rather Than Consorts

"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

Emptiness and Shunyata: What the Teachers Say About Emptiness: Removing “Lazy Nihilism” and “How Deep the Rabbit Hole goes”

Monks practicing Sadhana at a retreat at Drepung Monastery Lhasa, Tibet. Sadhanas are ritualized text that help us learn, but they are also sacred Dharma texts meant to be recited word for word.

“Means of Accomplishing”: Sadhanas, the secret sauce recipe of Vajrayana Buddhism — the ingredients that make it effective, and how to embrace its elegant formulas

The great Buddha Diabutsu Mahavairocana at Todaiji in Japan.

Maha Vairocana Buddha of the 1000 Universes and Lotus Petals, Buddha of the Multiverse, Buddha of Light — Includes full chapter with “all mantras of all Buddhas”

Shabala King Multicolored Garuda is one of the 13 Golden Dharmas of the Sakya Lineage and is found in the Kalachakra literature. He body is all the colors of symbolic activities of the Buddhas: white for pacifying (Vairocahana Buddha family), Green wings for windy activities of Amoghasiddha/ Tara's family, Red for the compassionate Lotus family of Amitabha Buddha, Blue for the spacious activity of Akshobya Buddha, and Yellow for the prosperity and auspiciousness earth activities of Amoghasiddhi's Buddha Family.

Shabala King Garuda — Multicolored King of Air, Chi, Prana — Cheng, Enlightened Lord of the Five Activities of the Buddha

The Four Dignities in Tibetan Buddhism and the auspicious animals of Bhutan: Tak (Tiger) lower left Seng (Snow LIon) lower right, Cheng (Garuda) upper left and Druk (Dragon) upper right. These are four directional guardians with Garuda in the north, Snow Lion in the east, Tiger in the south and Dragon in the West. (In some regions, directions may be changed).

In Vajrayana, the Four Directional Dignities — Garuda, Snow Lion, Tiger and Dragon — are not just for prayer flags; they are profoundly powerful guardians of our mind

Bell, Vajra and Damaru drum are ubiquitous in Vajrayana Buddhism. The bell and Vajra are always together, and when not in use should be side-by-side, ideally touching. The Bell represents wisdom — the sound of the bell being the sound of Emptiness or Shunyata; the Vajra (or dorje in Tibetan) represents adamantine Compassion and skillfull means, represented by the Diamond vajra, a symbol of the lightning bolt.

Why do Vajrayana Buddhists always symbolically carry a bell and vajra? What do they represent? How do we practice with ghanta and dorje?

Sitatapatra, a form of White Tara from Sutra, a protective supreme form who emerged from Shakyamuni Buddha's Ushnisha and is known to be most most protective of Enlightened Deities.

Sitatapatra or Dukkar — the ultimate protective Bodhisattva Goddess, form of Mother Tara — 1000 arms or 2 arms, she is “Aparajita” the Undefeatable One

Simhamukha, the Lion-Faced Dakini, is a Highest Yoga Tantra Yidam in Tibetan Buddhism.

Simhamukha Dakini, the supremely ferocious remover of obstacles, Sengdongma, snow-lion-faced Dakini, whose roar defeats all negativities, curses, obstacles or evil forces

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Vajrayogini, enlightened wisdom queen, leads us to bliss, clear light and emptiness, despite modern obstacles

A beautiful devotional practice is to paint your own statues. This beautiful "thanka painted" statue of Chittamani Tara started out as an unpainted bronze. Buddha Weekly's volunteer art director Kam Yu, as a devotional practice to Tara, beautifully painted and decorated a Chittamni Tara statue after filling with mantras and blessings. This is one of the most beautiful practices of devotion. He painted the flowers blue, and jewelry in gold foil. The body is matte varnished while the silk clothing with elaborate designs painted on, are glossy. As a final touch he added Turquoise and coral gems.

“Mind Jewel” Green Tara – a Highest Yoga Tantra practice of Chittamani Tara (Cittamani), Mother of all the Buddhas

The great Lotus Born, Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava, the second Buddha.

Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche’s condensed “all teachings into one — which is concise and easy to practice”at the time of death: as requested by Lady Tsogyal

Geshe Langri Thangpa.

Eight Verses of Training the Mind of Geshe Langri Tangpa — Complete Concise Path of the Bodhisattva

Marici, Enemy of all Maras, Goddess of the Dawn. This statue is painted as a Dharma practice, by Buddha Weekly's Creative Director.

Great enemy of the maras: Marici — “Ray of Light” Bodhisattva Goddess — protective Bodhisattva for “turbulent times”; aspect of glorious Mother Tara: includes Dharani mantra

Three of the Five Wisdom Daknis, art by Laura Santi. (See detailed art below for each of the Five Dakinis in the detailed section. Laura Santi's art can be found at Laura Santi Sacred Art on Etsy>>

Five Wisdom Dakinis: “The source of the five activities is the dakini” —Padmasambhava: full feature, documentary video and more

Amitabha Buddha statue at an FPMT centre.

Amitabha practice: easy, welcoming, and his merits are so vast that all beings can benefit: Amitabha Sutra

Vajrayana Buddhism's special focus is on a multiverse of diverse Buddhas and Buddhisattvas, each with their own universe and mandalas. These diverse Buddha archetypes are not separate from "Buddha." Instead, each focuses on a different aspec tof practice.

Smorgasbord Vajrayana: visualizing countless mandalas — exploring the vast universe filled with Buddhas

At major Kalachakra events, monks usually create elaborate and beautiful impermanent sand mandalas — one spec of colored sand at a time. After the beautiful work of art is completed and dedicated, it is swept away to show impermanance.

Transforming all ten poisons with the skillful psychology of Buddhist Vajrayana — the creative approach to practice

Kalachakra Sahaja detail from a painting by Ben Christian (Jampay Dorje).

How can Kalachakra meditation help to relieve our suffering? Why is Kalachakra considered to be the highest yoga meditational form of Shakyamuni Buddha?

The many faces of Wisdom and Compassion: Top right ferocious Yamantaka (two arms), top centre Yamantaka with nine heads — Manjushri's head on top — top right a rarer tantric form, centre bottom Orange Manjushri with Wisdom Sword, bottom right centre Peaceful Black Manjushri, bottom Right Wrathful black Manjushri and bottom left, the syllable Hum on a Lotus.

The eleven aspects of Manjushri — kind, wrathful, protective, teaching and “beastly” — white, yellow, black; father, mother, spiritual child

Cham Dance during the Ladakh Festival on Sept 2, 2012 in Leh, India. In Cham, the masked dancers are typically monks.

Cham Dance in Tibetan Buddhism and Vajrayana: What is it and why is it important for Losar and other special occasions

His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche visiting Holy Land Prayer Wheels in Israel. Behind Rinpoche is Micha Strauss.

Prayer Wheels — “Mindful meritorious, mantra wheels” — Holy Land Prayer Wheels, guided by advice from H.E. Garchen Rinpoche

Stories of Black Mahakala and the Dalai Lamas feature miraculous crows.

Mahakala: Miracles of Great Black and the Dalai Lama — three Men in Black, the Mahakala brothers, the Dalai Lama, and a crow

Zasep Tulku Rinoche will return to Toronto May 20, 2017 for teachings on Mahamudra, Green Tara, and Black Manjushri. (Details below, or go to the Gaden Choling website>>)

Why giving and taking practice is an important kindness meditation and Bodhichitta practice; how to do it guided video: Zasep Rinpoche

Visualizing the inner body as chakras and the deity front generated. From a video by Buddha Weekly.

Subtle body as the path to Enlightenment and lighting the inner fire— the five chakras, three channels and two drops of Tantric Buddhism and their practice

21 Taras according to the Nyingma Terma tradition, courtesy (and with permission) of VajrayanaPrint on Etsy. This is a rare horizontal format of the 21 Taras. (Most Thangkas are vertical) making this very special and unique. Contact VajrayanaPrint for information>>

21 Taras in the Narjuna, Atisha and Nyingma lineages: a profound, powerful, precise, pleasing daily practice

Close up detail of Vajrayogini Narokacho looking up at the Buddhas.

What are the ten benefits of Vajrayogini practice? Why is her practice recommended in our busy, terrifying times?

Buddha-Weekly-Three Principal Paths-Buddhism

Three Principal Paths — the peerless path of Renunciation, Bodhichitta, Shunyata

Mantra and thoughts are one. Thoughts have power.

An Introduction to Mantra: Great River of Compassion — by Jason Espada

Ushnisha Vijaya close up of the three faces.

Long-Life Buddha Uṣṇīṣavijayā — Victorious Crown Ushnisha Vijaya and Her Dharani create the conditions for longevity, good health and auspiciousness

Peaceful Black Manjushri is seated with a slightly "stern" face. Some people feel more comfortable visualizing Peaceful Black Manjushri, especially if they've been traumatized. Wrathful visualization can feel more powerful — reinforced by the symbolism of activity and fierceness.

The Disease Specialist: Black Manjushri Practice Has a Reputation for Successfully Helping Victims of the Most Dangerous Diseases

Stunning master crafted and painted statue of Yamantaka by Nepal's Best Statues.

Destroyer of Death Yamantaka: Buffalo-headed Vajrabhairava, supremely wrathful Yidam manifestation of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom

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Shabkar’s Song of Practice: the entire path, from refuge to generation to completion in one song by one of the great sages of Tibet

Two aspects of Compassion: Amitabha and his wrathful heruka emanations Hayagriva.

Compassion, Wisdom and Power as Buddha, Bodhisattva, Heruka and Dakini — the most important aspects of practice as Enlightened beings

H.E. Garchen Rinpoche teaching with spinning prayer wheel in right hand.

Inspired by Kyabje Garchen Rinpoche, Holy Land Prayer Wheels personalize Tibetan Prayer Wheels: interview with Micha Strauss

Vajrakilaya close up feature image.

Vajrakilaya: put a peg in it ! — Cutting the three poisons with the sharpest weapon: destroying ignorance, greed, and hostility with profound Vajrakumara

Guru Rinpoche, the Quantum Buddha. Padmasambhava's eight emanations represent eight Quantum energies.

Billions of Guru Rinpoche’s ready to answer the Seventh Supplication of Guru Rinpoche: “Repeat this prayer continuously” for the granting of wishes

The great yogi Shabkar. zhabs dkar tshogs drug rang 'grol (1781-1851).

Shabkar “the greatest yogi after Milarepa” (Dalai Lama) becomes the object of his disciples attachment — from his autobiography

Close up detail face of Prajnaparamita, Wisdom Mother.

Prajnaparamita Yum Chenmo, the Face of Perfection: Wisdom Personified, “Emptiness is Form” Manifested: Great Mother of Wisdom

Chakrasamvara Heruka and Vajrayogini are also Highest Yoga Tantra practices. Vajrayogini is an emanation of Tara.

Tsog dates 2022 on Western Calendar: and, the meaning of Tsog (Tsok) — the non-ordinary blissful offering

From Buddha Weekly's Vajrasattva visualization video (embedded below) — one of the many "yogas" we engage in with our Yidam practice is self-generation as our chosen Buddha form.

“Awaken the seeds of our innate wisdom” or Buddha Nature — embodied in the Yidam: “Conscious realism” and the profound Vajrayana


Tara the Windy Liberator, the Mother, the Activity Heroine: “Green Tara functions throughout our world” the activity of all the Enlightened Ones

Prayer flags are ubiquitous in the Himalayas. Printed on them are usually a windhorse, surrounded by the four auspicious ones — Garuda, Dragon, Tiger, Snow Lion — with prayers and mantras. The wind carries the blessing to world.

In Praise of the Vajrayana – A Brief Introduction to Buddhist Tantra

Parnashavari appears in the forest. This is a visualize scene in Buddha Weekly's Parnashavari Mantra visualization video. Reader Adrian had two visualized experiences after watching this video and meditating on the mantra.

Parnashavari Meditation Experiences — and meeting Hayagriva (What I experienced meditating with Buddha Weekly videos)

MInd, thought by many theorists to be separate from the brain, is often described as a field, similar to a gravity field.

Visualization Activates the Mind; Mindfulness Stills the Mind — Which is Right for Your Buddhist Practice?

Mandala offerings are very active forms of veneration and meditation.

Mandala Offering: offering “everything to the Buddha” — purify karma and accumulate merit daily

Advanced teachings, such as Chod, and other Vajrayana practices, require a teacher due to the precise, delicate and powerful nature of their impact on mindstream. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche practicing ancient Chod to benefit all sentient beings.

Chod practice: offering yourself to all beings, the ultimate expression of bodhichitta

One concept in Buddhism is Shunyata, various described as Emptiness or Oneness. When the ego is removed, there is oneness. When the ego is introduced, phenomenon arise from the observer (with the ego).

Bliss helps us understand Emptiness without nihilism: Vajrayana develops faster insight through the balance of bliss and emptiness, compassion and wisdom, mandala and deity

Naropa has a vision of Vajrayogini. In the background is his retreat cave.

Padmasambhava: “the source of accomplishment is the Yidam”; Yidam is systemized practice, not just a “deity”

The fearsome power of great Vajrapani, who is always ready to "beat down" the obstacles to our practice.

Vajrapani, the “Hand of Buddha” defeats the poisons : pride, anger, hate and jealousy

Parnashavari is the 20th Tara emanation of the 21 (some traditions) and is "Supreme healer" emanation of Tara.

Healing Parnashavari — Tara’s Healing emanation: specialist in Contagious Disease, Illness, Pandemic: How to practice her mantra and sadhana

Scene from The Matrix. "There is no spoon."

Deity Yoga: Science or Superstition? Vajrayana Deity Meditation Proves Invaluable in Preventing Cognitive Disorders. In What Other Ways is Vajrayana Buddhist Deity Practice More Science than Religion?

The complex visualizations required in Vajrayana meditative methods, which can include holding detailed images for long periods of time, dramatically and immediately improve cognitive ability according to research from NUS.

Science: Research Indicates Vajrayana Meditation Techniques Involving Deity Visualization Improve Cognitive Performance and May Be Promising For Degenerative Brain Disorders

Black Mahakala is the most iconic of the wrathful Enlightened Deities. He is a ferocious emanation of the Buddha of Compassion Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig.

Wrathful Deities: The First Responders in Meditation; the Psychology of Fearsome Enlightened Buddhas

Monks prostrating.

The Foundation Practice of Prostrations: Humble Bow, a Method to Connect with Buddha Nature; the Psychology of Buddhist Prostrations

Practicing generosity creates positive karma. Here, a kind lay-Buddhist gives alms to three monks who, like the Buddha, eat only before noon and only from food given to them. Merit for good deeds is an intuitive concept in karma.

Wealth Deities: Generating Karma for Prosperity by Practicing Generosity. How to Reconcile Renunciation with Wealth Practices in Buddhism.

12-armed Ganesha or Ganapati, also known as Maha Rakta Ganapati, remover of obstacles.

Why is Maha Rakta Ganapati recommended by some Buddhist Teachers as the remover of obstacles, the protector of prosperity?

12-armed Red Ganapati is a treasured practice in Tibetan Buddhism, known for bringing auspiciousness and removing obstacles.

Buddhist Ganesha: popular Ganapati’s many forms include enlightened Yidam, protector, and “bringer of success”…

Detail of a painting of Tara 1, Heroic Red Tara, by V.V. Sapar of the first Tara in the Surya Gupta sytem. In the background is the Lotus Face of Avalokiteshvara. (Full image below in the feature.)

Mother Tara’s many-armed protective embrace: 21 Taras according to Surya Gupta — with 8 videos and mantras and stunning art

The face of the glorious Buddha Tara in her Green Chittamani form by Ben Christian (Jampay Dorje)

Meeting Green Tara Face-to-Face: How to Visualize the Deity by Artist and Teacher Jampay Dorje

Nagas emerging from a sacred lake, painting by Russian artist Nicholas Roerich.

Venerable Zasep Rinpoche Teaching: Buddhist Naga Practice is Helpful to Heal Environment — Full Sadhana Translated

The covers of David Michie's Tibetan Buddhist Thrillers The Secret Mantra and The Magician of Lhasa.

Exclusive: read two chapters from international bestselling author David Michie’s new Tibetan Buddhist thriller “The Secret Mantra”

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