

Avalokiteshvara’s Renunciation Day! Guan Shi Yin Avalokiteshvara’s 3 Sacred Days Are Birthday, Renunciation and Enlightenment: “Most Widely Beloved Buddhist Divinity”

The Three Supremes in Marpa Lotsawa's lineage are Vajrasattva, Tara and Usnisha Vijaya Namgyalma.

Why are Vajrasattva, Tara and Ushnisha Vijaya described as the Three Supremes? Triad of Practice: Purifying Ignorance; Overcoming Samsaric Dangers; Triumph Over Death

Beautiful Amitabha temple full moon

4 Practices on Lunar Days: 5 Buddha’s Vow and Practicing Activity, Merit, Reflection, Renewal

Ushnisha Vijaya Long Dharani from Buddha Weekly is available on your favorite streaming and music app.

NEW MUSIC DHARANI RELEASE! Ushnisha Vijaya Namgyalma Long Dharani from Sutra chanted three times beautifully in Sanskrit!


Limitless Tara, Beyond the Green: Mother of all the Buddhas, Goddess of Many Colors, Consort of Buddhas, Wisdom Mother, Action Hero…

Loving face of the Mother of All Buddhas Green Tara. Detail from art by Ben Christian.

Tara Principle: Wisdom, Compassion and Activity — the “practical” Karma Mother active in our daily, real-world lives

Amoghasiddhi Buddha. The "Tian Tan" or "Giant Buddha" at Po Lin Monastery Ngong Ping in Hong Kong is Amoghasiddhi, held his right hand up in Abhaya Mudra. This huge statue is on top of a mountain, with Amoghasiddhi's gaze looking out on the Samsaric world protectively.

Amoghasiddhi Essence of Lifeforce: Modern, Success-Oriented and Profound Practices of the Karma Buddha Family

Vasudhara in her most popular form in Tibet, with Two arms, Golden Yellow holding a sheef of corn. She is an aspect of Tara, called Yellow Tara (11th Tara in the Nyingma 21 Taras Lineage), and she is none other than Mother Earth's Enlightened Form, who controls the ten Guardians of the World.

Vasudhara Dharani Sutra in English and Tibetan with the Dharani in Sanskrit and Tibetan.

Five Dhyani Buddhas.

Who are the Five Great Wisdom Buddhas and Why Are They So Important? How to Visualize and Practice the Five Dhyani Buddhas

Four Heavenly Kings photo at Beihai Park Beijing China.

The Watchers of the World: the Four Heavenly Kings in Buddhism, Their Mantras and Practice

The very face of compassion, Metta personified in glorious Avalokiteshvara, the compassionate Buddha.

Avalokitesvara compassion practices can “enhance treatment of anxiety, depression, trauma” say some scientists and clinicians. For the rest of us, his compassion brings us closer to bliss and wisdom.

The parable of the vagabond son and the affluent father who never gives up on him.

Lotus Sutra Chapter 4: Parable of the “Lost Vagabond Son” — second of seven parables: full English translation

Cundi Cunda Mother of Seven Million Buddhas, in her 18 armed form is moon white.

The Great Cundī Dhāraṇī Sūtra and the Great Mother Cunda: Benefits, Commentary, and Complete Verses

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“What Bodhisattvas Do” 37 Practices of All Bodhisattvas: the Total Path, a Daily Recitation, a Perfect Buddhist Practice and Lifestyle

Face of a loving friend — Maitreya Buddha.

Celebrating Loving Kindness on Maitreya Day: Significance and Traditional Practices to Start the Lunar New Year Celebrating the Buddha-to-Come

Thangka depicted the 15 days of Buddha's miracles.

15 Miracles and 15 Days: Chotrul Duchen, the Day Buddha’s Great Miracles: Buddha, reluctant to use miraculous powers, displayed 15 miracles to help correct the errors of six prideful teachers

Chitachakra Wish-Granting White Tara with a rainbow aura of colors representing the five activities and protective tents.

Chintachakra White Wish-Granting Wheel Tara: The All-in-One Mother of Buddhas in Vajrayana Buddhism – Her Significance, Mantra and Why Her Practice is Essential

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9 Benefits of Buddhist Mantras: A Complete Buddhist Practice for Busy Lives, the Power of Intention, Accumulation, Sound and Dharma

Hayagriva 1 hour

Video: Hayagriva’s Powerful Mantra 1 Hour of Chanting: King of Protections, Mantra for troubled times

Green Jambhala. Image available from Vajrayana Print on Etsy.

Green Jambhala and Wisdom Dakini: The Karma Family Activity of Prosperity, aspects of Tara and Amoghasiddhi Buddha

Vasudhara in her most popular form in Tibet, with Two arms, Golden Yellow holding a sheef of corn. She is an aspect of Tara, called Yellow Tara (11th Tara in the Nyingma 21 Taras Lineage), and she is none other than Mother Earth's Enlightened Form, who controls the ten Guardians of the World.

Stream of Gems Vasudhārā: The Buddhist Tara Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity; Mother Earth Who Witnessed Buddha’s Enlightenment

Six-Armed Avalokiteshvara Expounding the Dharma: Folio from a Manuscript of the Ashtasahasrika Prajnaparamita (Perfection of Wisdom) | India (West Bengal)

Daily Recitation of the Heart Sutra in Sanskrit: a Heart Practice with countless benefits: purification, merit, wisdom, compassion, success

His Holiness the Dalai Lama hugs Kyabje Garchen Rinpoche.

What are the nine benefits of mantras and how do they work? His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Garchen Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen

In Mahayana Buddhism, the Female Buddhas represent Perfect Wisdom and are indispensable. In Buddhism, the Female Buddhas sybmolize Perfect Wisdom while the Male Buddhas Represent Perfect Compassion. Both are co-equal partners as methods in Mahayana Buddhism. What is often misunderstood is the concept that even if you practice a single Buddha, for example, Amitabha, he is never separate from his Female Co-Equal Buddha Pandara. Or, if you practice Green Tara as a sole practice, she is never separate from her co-Equal Male Budddha Amoghasiddhi. These are forms, manifesting to help us according to our own preferences and needs. Photo of beautiful artwork in Bruno Letzia's Siddartha Tarot Deck, which is a Vajrayana-inspired deck. Available from Amazon.

Five Female Buddhas or Mothers: Their Roles as Prajnas or Enlightened Wisdom — Inseparable Co-Equals Rather Than Consorts

"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

Emptiness and Shunyata: What the Teachers Say About Emptiness: Removing “Lazy Nihilism” and “How Deep the Rabbit Hole goes”

Buddha-Weekly-Wrathful Achala Fudo Myoo is supreme compassionate help-Buddhism

Immovable Lord Achala, Fudo Myoo, ferocious activity of compassion of Maha Vairochana

Larger fish drums are often hung outside temples.

Waking up the Mind in Buddhism! The Zen of Drumming for a Wakeful Mind and Mindfulness with the Wooden Fish Drum’s Unique Sound

Visualizing light coming from the heart of Amitbaha Budha as a practice, then entering our body.

Where is Amitabha’s Pureland and how can Amitabha’s practice protect us from danger; Why Amitabha practice is all many people need

Sitatapatra, a form of White Tara from Sutra, a protective supreme form who emerged from Shakyamuni Buddha's Ushnisha and is known to be most most protective of Enlightened Deities.

Sitatapatra or Dukkar — the ultimate protective Bodhisattva Goddess, form of Mother Tara — 1000 arms or 2 arms, she is “Aparajita” the Undefeatable One

A beautiful devotional practice is to paint your own statues. This beautiful "thanka painted" statue of Chittamani Tara started out as an unpainted bronze. Buddha Weekly's volunteer art director Kam Yu, as a devotional practice to Tara, beautifully painted and decorated a Chittamni Tara statue after filling with mantras and blessings. This is one of the most beautiful practices of devotion. He painted the flowers blue, and jewelry in gold foil. The body is matte varnished while the silk clothing with elaborate designs painted on, are glossy. As a final touch he added Turquoise and coral gems.

“Mind Jewel” Green Tara – a Highest Yoga Tantra practice of Chittamani Tara (Cittamani), Mother of all the Buddhas

Marici, Enemy of all Maras, Goddess of the Dawn. This statue is painted as a Dharma practice, by Buddha Weekly's Creative Director.

Great enemy of the maras: Marici — “Ray of Light” Bodhisattva Goddess — protective Bodhisattva for “turbulent times”; aspect of glorious Mother Tara: includes Dharani mantra

The very face of compassion, Metta personified in glorious Avalokiteshvara, the compassionate Buddha.

Great Compassion Mantra: Purification, healing and protection, the Maha Karuna Dharani Sutra — benefiting all beings

Amitabha Buddha statue at an FPMT centre.

Amitabha practice: easy, welcoming, and his merits are so vast that all beings can benefit: Amitabha Sutra

The many faces of Wisdom and Compassion: Top right ferocious Yamantaka (two arms), top centre Yamantaka with nine heads — Manjushri's head on top — top right a rarer tantric form, centre bottom Orange Manjushri with Wisdom Sword, bottom right centre Peaceful Black Manjushri, bottom Right Wrathful black Manjushri and bottom left, the syllable Hum on a Lotus.

The eleven aspects of Manjushri — kind, wrathful, protective, teaching and “beastly” — white, yellow, black; father, mother, spiritual child

Kshitigarbha, the Earth Store Bodhisattva, saving millions of beings over countless years.

Four heroic incarnations of Ksitigarbha, the “Earth Store” Bodhisattva — unfailing, never-tiring compassion

21 Taras according to the Nyingma Terma tradition, courtesy (and with permission) of VajrayanaPrint on Etsy. This is a rare horizontal format of the 21 Taras. (Most Thangkas are vertical) making this very special and unique. Contact VajrayanaPrint for information>>

21 Taras in the Narjuna, Atisha and Nyingma lineages: a profound, powerful, precise, pleasing daily practice

Guan Yin Bodhisattva. The main defining characteristic of Mahayana Buddhism is "loving kindness" and compassion for all beings, symbolized in the great ideal of the Bodhisattva — an Enlightened Being who remains in our relative reality world to help us, rather than moving on to Nirvana's peace.

The Great Way that benefits all sentient beings: motivated from the heart! An introduction to Mahayana Buddhism

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Three Principal Paths — the peerless path of Renunciation, Bodhichitta, Shunyata

Two aspects of Compassion: Amitabha and his wrathful heruka emanations Hayagriva.

Compassion, Wisdom and Power as Buddha, Bodhisattva, Heruka and Dakini — the most important aspects of practice as Enlightened beings

Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron

“Our mind is full of rubbish” —Venerable Chodron. It’s time to purify: sutra practice of “The Bodhisattva’s Confession of Moral Downfalls” with commentary

Buddhist Nun, an Abess at Shaolin, invented Wing Chun as a non-lethal defence and a way of practicing Buddhist discipline.

Wing Chun creator Buddhist Nun Ng Mui developed the art as a non-lethal martial art that mirrors six Buddhist Paramitas?

A statue of Nichiren at Myoren-ji Temple in Kamigyo.

Nichiren’s Legacy: Three principle practices of Nichiren Buddhism —  meditation on the Gohonzon and Namu Myoho Renge Kyo

In Lotus Sutra, chapter 5, Buddha tells the Parable of the Medicinal Plants and the trees.

Lotus Sutra Chapter 5 — Parable of the Medicinal Plants, “all beings are nourished by Buddha Dharma”: full English translation.

Statue of Guanyin.

Sacred outlook – seeing beyond ordinary perception in modern culture and American Buddhism

Shatideva and the Bodhisattva Way of Life, the Six Paramitas.

The Six Paramitas, the Liberating Actions: a Complete Buddhist Path for Modern Living: Generosity, Discipline, Patience, Diligence, Meditation, Wisdom

Lama Zopa expounds on the benefits of the sublime "Golden Light Sutra."

Sutra of Golden Light brings “peace and happiness” and “long life”; also, Sutra transmission of Chod, alleviating fear, and healing

Zasep Tulku Rinpoche answering questions after  Mahamudra teachings  in Owen Sound.

Mindfulness of Feelings Meditation: Overcoming Negative Feelings and Using Discriminating Alertness of Feelings in Your Practice: Mahamudra Teachings

Monks prostrating.

The Foundation Practice of Prostrations: Humble Bow, a Method to Connect with Buddha Nature; the Psychology of Buddhist Prostrations

12-armed Red Ganapati is a treasured practice in Tibetan Buddhism, known for bringing auspiciousness and removing obstacles.

Buddhist Ganesha: popular Ganapati’s many forms include enlightened Yidam, protector, and “bringer of success”…

Lord Manjushri in his full youthful splendour by Ben Christian. The flaming sword (Khadga) of Lord Manjushri represents "cutting through delusions" — the beginning of wisdom.

Youthful Manjushri: the flowering of wisdom; the gentle Buddha who cuts through ignorance with his flaming sword

Green Tara's kind face. Tara is known as Tara the Rescuer.

Mama Buddha Tara: Compassionate Action; Stories of Green Tara the Rescuer — How She Can Help You

Geshe Sherab turns a giant prayer wheel with millions of mantras for the benefit of all sentient beings.

What is Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryavatara? Interview Geshe Sherab: “Patience and Bodhicitta mind with elaborate reasoning and impeccable logic”

Visualizing the Medicine Buddha Mantra and rays of healing Lapis Lazuli light emanating from the Buddha, and absorbed into the patient (or self) assists in healing.

The First Doctor: Medicine Buddha Bhaisajyaguru Lapis Lazuli Light — Empowering You to Heal; the Buddha of Healing and Medicine and Doctors

Om Mani Padme Hum, the great compassion mantra of Avalokiteshvara.

Music Mantra Video: Om Mani Padme Hum wonderfully chanted by Yoko Dharma, the sacred sound of compassionate Buddha Chenrezig

H.E. Garchen Rinpoche spinning a Dharma Wheel at a Higher Yogic teaching on Vajrayogini. Garchen Rinpoche is famous for compassionately spinning the wheel everywhere he can.

Buddha on Dharma Prayer Wheels: “defilements will be purified and the face of the deity will appear”; Guru Rinpoche: you will “be able to attain mystic powers…”


A Map of the Mind Universe — the Mandala of the Five Buddhas: a perfect practice; a perfect remedy for the five poisons

The Five Buddhas with Vairochana in the center. If they are portrayed in a directional mandala, Vairochana is usually still in the center.

What Does Quantum Physics Have to do with the Five Buddhas — Vairochana, Amitabha, Akshobya, Ratnasambhava, and Amoghasiddhi?

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Why the Buddha is Regarded as the Supreme Healer; plus, a daily healing meditation anyone can practice.

Buddha taught that the unanswerable metaphysical questions were unimoportant to the practice of Buddhism. Clinging to notions of time, soul, eternal life and so on create attachments rather than help us overcome them.

Is there room for the supernatural in Western Buddhism? Four sutra views of magic and metaphysical and why a supernatural perspective helps “see beyond ordinary perception”

White Tara, Mother of the Wisdom of the Buddhas.

“Who is Tara?” — the miraculous, mystical and marvelous view. Book excerpt from “A Belief in the Miraculous” — Jason Espada


Why Reciting Buddhist Sutras Out Loud is Important; Sutras Help Us Remain Mindful of the Teachings and Disengage the “Clinging” Conscious Mind

Sentient animals around the world feel happiness, pain and suffering. Here are two happy friends.

5 Ways Vegetarianism Could Save the World; 5 Buddhist Teachings and Teachers Recommending a Vegetarian Lifestyle; 5 Reasons it’s the Ethical Thing to Do

Kuan Yin Pusa, Goddess of Mercy, also known as Avalokiteshvara, Bodhisattva of Compassion.

Guan Shi Yin and the ten great protections of the Goddess of Mercy Kuanyin: Avalokiteshvara, Bodhisattva of Compassion

Home retreat may be an ideal practice during times of social isolation.

How a Home Retreat Helps Busy People Manage Time and Save Money; How to Do It, and Why it is Necessary

The glorious and compassionate Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha — the wish-fulfilling gem. He is especially beloved because of his role as the Bodhisattva who visited the "hell realms" to rescue suffering beings.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche and other teachers recommend Kṣitigarbha mantra and practice for times of disaster, especially hurricane and earthquake, because of the great Bodhisattva’s vow

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Medicine Buddha video teaching: the Four Immeasurables are immeasurably important; meditation and commentary — H.E. Zasep Rinpoche

Lapis Lazuli Medicine Buddha is an aspect of Shakyamuni Buddha that is famous for healing meditations.

Video Medicine Buddha Retreat, part 1: open self-healing weekend with visualization, mantras and teachings with H.E. Zasep Rinpoche

Amitabha chanting at a night festival in Ho Chi Minh City.

Profound simplicity of “Amituofo”: why Nianfo or Nembutsu is a deep, complete practice with innumerable benefits and cannot be dismissed as faith-based: w. full Amitabha Sutra

Om Ami Dewa Hri is the mantra of Amitabha Buddha.

Video: Amitabha Buddha Mantra Om Ami Dewa Hri — bring infinite light and love into your life: powerfully chanted by Yoko Dharma with animated visualizations

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha is Green Tara's mantra. Green Tara is the rescuer, the mother of all the Buddhas and of all beings — Wisdom is mother — and she is known for her quick action on behalf of those who call her name for help.

Video: chanting Green Tara by Yoko Dharma; from our guided meditation series, Green Tara images and mantra to empower your practice

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Teaching video: Why is it important to state Bodhichitta motivation and dedicate the merit of practice? answered by H.E. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

Mantra video: Refuge in the Three Jewels sung in Tibetan by Yoko Dharma. Also the Four Immeasurables chanted in English.

Taking Refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and the Four Immeasurables sung by amazing Yoko Dharma with video visualizations

Every one has Buddha Nature says Zasep Tulku Rinpoche in a video teaching.

“Every one has Buddha Nature.” A teaching video: Venerable Zasep Rinpoche with mantra chanting by Yoko Dharma

Visualizing the self as the deity is a Vajrayana practice that helps us understand the illusory nature of relative phenomenon.

“Mind is the creator of our own happiness or suffering”—Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche teaches Lojong Seven-Point Mind Training

Zasep Tulku Rinpoche teaching Mahamudra in Ontario. Rinpoche is an internationally respected teacher, spiritual head of several meditation centres in North America and Australia.

“Mahamudra is ultimately about trying to experience absolute truth” — and Helping Your Mind Get to Know Your Mind: Teaching Retreat Notes, Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

Incense is a form of honor and worship in Buddhism and other religions

Scientific Buddhist: Why Incense is More Than Just a Pleasant Backdrop to Meditation; Research Reveals Brain Health Benefits

The very embodiment of emptiness — Prajnaparamita.

Heart Sutra: Why it’s My Favorite Sutra

Vajrasattva practice is especially important on New Moons (last day of the month) to help purify negative karma and obstacles going into a new month.

What’s Your Karmic Net Worth? Avoid Compound Negative Karmic Interest with Vajrasattva Mantra and Four Opponent Powers.

A Buddhist monk shares a tender moment with a dog and monkey.

Prominent Scientists Declare “All Non Human Animals… Are Conscious Beings.” The Dalai Lama Protests Chicken Slaughter. An Orangutan Won Non-Human Rights Over Zoo Keeper. What Do the Teachers Say About Non-Human Compassion?

When we visualize Buddhas and deities in Tibetan Buddhism we see them as "the nature of light and energy".

Medicine Buddha Sutra: video audio recitation of full Sutta — listening or reciting is a very empowering healing practice


Loving Kindness: My Favorite Sutra

Respectful full-prostration bows are important to devout Korean Buddhists, one of the six essential practices.

Six Essential Practices of Korean Buddhists: Bowing, Meditation, Yeombul, Mantra, Sutra

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