Buddhist Practices

Why are Vajrasattva, Tara and Ushnisha Vijaya described as the Three Supremes? Triad of Practice: Purifying Ignorance; Overcoming Samsaric Dangers; Triumph Over Death

NEW MUSIC DHARANI RELEASE! Ushnisha Vijaya Namgyalma Long Dharani from Sutra chanted three times beautifully in Sanskrit!

Buddha’s Holy Mind, the Stupa: 18 benefits to Prostrating to, Circumambulating or Building of Stupas — according to Sutra

Boundless Heroine Tara: Bodhisattva, Mother, Saviour, Friend: Stories of Rescues and a Sadhana by Marpa the Translator

Honoring the Lotus Born: Guru Rinpoche Days in 2024 – Celebrating the Lotus Born Padmasambhava Monthly on the 10th

Amitabha: Buddha of the Western Pureland Sukhavati: the 48 Vows, his Sadhana, Mantras, Dharani and Sutra

The Four Generosities of the Buddha Ratnasambhava and the Jewel Family: Practices, Sutras, and Mantras to Conquer Pride with Equality

Akshobhya and the Magical City: the Unshakable Wisdom of Akshobhya, Vajra Lord: his mantra, Dharani and Sadhana

Buddha Day – Chokhor Duchen Celebrating the First Teaching: How to celebrate Buddha’s First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma — this year on July 9 or 10, 2024

Buddha Dharma practice reboot? With Refuge and Bodhichitta, you are not alone — methods to supercharge your enthusiasm for Buddhist practice

The Purity Essence Mantra: Understanding and Practicing the Mantra OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHO SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM

Wangdu Great Cloud of Blessings: the 9 Magnetizing Activity Yidams of the Padma Buddha family: Amitabha, Kurukulla, Chenrezig, Hayagriva, Vajrayogini, Vajradharma, Padmaraja, Chakrasamvara, Guhyajnana

“All Dharmas are forms of emptiness” : ultimate wisdom in the spaces between thoughts, between sounds, between images, between feelings

Complete Guide to Buddhist Mantra Yana Practice: 4 Foundations and 9 Tips for Maximizing Mantra Benefits

Mantra Part 2: Good Vibrations — Mantras in Buddhist Practice “Of what is the body made? Of emptiness and rhythm.” How does mantra work?

Saga Dawa Duchen and the Month of Merits: Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment and Paranirvana Celebrated With “Merit Multiplied”

NEW – Spread the Dharma Free Dharma Downloads of Sutras, Dharanis, Pujas, Sadhanas, Teaching Texts and More

Buddhist practice and worldly obstacles — we all have them, but how do you overcome and purify negativities? Advice from Dalai Lama, Garchen Rinpoche and others.

Fearless Buddhist: How to overcome fear in uncertain times, according to Pali Sutta, Mahayana Sutra and Tantra and King Gesar

Amoghasiddhi Essence of Lifeforce: Modern, Success-Oriented and Profound Practices of the Karma Buddha Family

Who are the Five Great Wisdom Buddhas and Why Are They So Important? How to Visualize and Practice the Five Dhyani Buddhas

Many paths, one destination: How to choose the Buddhist path that supports you; Why choose one tradition of Buddhism over another?

Alternatives to “Seated” Meditation: Dance, Stand, Drum, Chant, and Move Your Way to Active Enlightenment — Taking a Stand: Activity Yogas

Avalokitesvara compassion practices can “enhance treatment of anxiety, depression, trauma” say some scientists and clinicians. For the rest of us, his compassion brings us closer to bliss and wisdom.

Guru Rinpoche’s advice for visualizing the deity: a how-to from Padmasambhava with advice from today’s teachers (with video how-to)

Celebrating Loving Kindness on Maitreya Day: Significance and Traditional Practices to Start the Lunar New Year Celebrating the Buddha-to-Come

Tashi Delek! Happy LOSAR Tibetan Lunar New Year Year of the Dragon; how to prepare, how to celebrate to bring auspicious blessings

15 Miracles and 15 Days: Chotrul Duchen, the Day Buddha’s Great Miracles: Buddha, reluctant to use miraculous powers, displayed 15 miracles to help correct the errors of six prideful teachers

Chintachakra White Wish-Granting Wheel Tara: The All-in-One Mother of Buddhas in Vajrayana Buddhism – Her Significance, Mantra and Why Her Practice is Essential
Buddhist Practices
Dakini Wisdom

Ten foundations of secret mantra; ten faults of being unsuccessful in Dharma practice; ten key points for practicing. Guru Rinpoche teaches Lady Tsogyal

Treasures of Bardo Thodol – The Book of Liberation Through Understanding the Between — incorrectly translated Tibetan Book of the Dead

Stream of Gems Vasudhārā: The Buddhist Tara Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity; Mother Earth Who Witnessed Buddha’s Enlightenment

Lunar Dharma Dates for 2024: Buddha Days, Recurring Puja Days, Annual Celebrations in Three Buddhist Traditions

Clearing the Confusion on Lunar Dates: How, When, and Why to Celebrate These Sacred Lunar Days in 2024

Understanding the Significance of Dharma Protector Day in Vajrayana Buddhism: the “Guardian Angels” of Dharma

A Light to the World — Celebrate Buddha’s Descent from Heaven on Lhabab Duchen: merit multiplied ten million times

Is it easier to practice Buddhist meditations in our dreams? Enlightenment through Dream Yoga, is it possible?

In Vajrayana, the Four Directional Dignities — Garuda, Snow Lion, Tiger and Dragon — are not just for prayer flags; they are profoundly powerful guardians of our mind

Waking up the Mind in Buddhism! The Zen of Drumming for a Wakeful Mind and Mindfulness with the Wooden Fish Drum’s Unique Sound

What is the difference between Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism? Three Vehicles, One Desitnation

Prostration, Praise and Prayers — the most essential practices for busy Buddhists. “Go Bananas” for Buddha: Devotion

Where is Amitabha’s Pureland and how can Amitabha’s practice protect us from danger; Why Amitabha practice is all many people need

Why do Vajrayana Buddhists always symbolically carry a bell and vajra? What do they represent? How do we practice with ghanta and dorje?

Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche’s condensed “all teachings into one — which is concise and easy to practice”at the time of death: as requested by Lady Tsogyal
Buddhist Practices
Dakini Wisdom
Guru Rinpoche

Amitabha practice: easy, welcoming, and his merits are so vast that all beings can benefit: Amitabha Sutra

Day of Highest Merits: Celebrate Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment and Paranirvana on Saga (Saka) Dawa Duchen June 4, 2023

How can Kalachakra meditation help to relieve our suffering? Why is Kalachakra considered to be the highest yoga meditational form of Shakyamuni Buddha?

The eleven aspects of Manjushri — kind, wrathful, protective, teaching and “beastly” — white, yellow, black; father, mother, spiritual child
Buddhist Practices

Heruka and Dakini’s Special Months: Honoring the Blissful Wisdom Mother in the 11th Month and the Compassionate Hero in the 12th

Why giving and taking practice is an important kindness meditation and Bodhichitta practice; how to do it guided video: Zasep Rinpoche

Subtle body as the path to Enlightenment and lighting the inner fire— the five chakras, three channels and two drops of Tantric Buddhism and their practice

2023: Celebrating the Lunar: Special “moon” dates for Buddha Dharma Practice including Buddha Days, Tsog, Medicine Buddha, Tara

Long Life Prayer to Amitayus, Padmasambhava, Vajrakumara and White Tara: Chokgyur Lingpa (1829–1870). Translated from the Tibetan by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

The Disease Specialist: Black Manjushri Practice Has a Reputation for Successfully Helping Victims of the Most Dangerous Diseases

Shabkar’s Song of Practice: the entire path, from refuge to generation to completion in one song by one of the great sages of Tibet

The precious Dharma Craft of Ritual implement making — empowering an ancient practice: Interview Rigdzin Pema Tuthob (pictorial)

100 Million Mani Mantras to Celebrate Shakyamuni Buddha’s First Sermon Holy Day of Chokhor Duchen and Sangha Day

Inspired by Kyabje Garchen Rinpoche, Holy Land Prayer Wheels personalize Tibetan Prayer Wheels: interview with Micha Strauss

“Our mind is full of rubbish” —Venerable Chodron. It’s time to purify: sutra practice of “The Bodhisattva’s Confession of Moral Downfalls” with commentary

Billions of Guru Rinpoche’s ready to answer the Seventh Supplication of Guru Rinpoche: “Repeat this prayer continuously” for the granting of wishes

Targeted Calm-Abiding Meditation: Dalai Lama and Lama Tsongkhapa teach how to target the main affliction for a more precise meditation result

Prajnaparamita Yum Chenmo, the Face of Perfection: Wisdom Personified, “Emptiness is Form” Manifested: Great Mother of Wisdom

The month of merit: Saga Dawa, celebrating Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment and Paranirvana — be generous, moral and practice often

Ehipassiko: encouraging investigation — Buddha taught logic to give us confidence in Dharma — not perpetual doubt

Enlightenment in one lifetime? Guru Rinpoche Padmsambhava explains what it takes. Practice, discipline, and more practice!

The Six Paramitas, the Liberating Actions: a Complete Buddhist Path for Modern Living: Generosity, Discipline, Patience, Diligence, Meditation, Wisdom

Palden Lhamo, the Terrifying Female Protector aspect of Tara: “Sole Mother, Lady Victorious Over the Three Worlds”

21 Taras Surya Gupta Thanka — stunning art by Angeli Lhadripa Shkonda: interview featuring 21 Tara closeups

The Profound Practice of Taking Refuge: the foundation of Buddhist liberation, faith, devotion, protection by Jason Espada

“Learning how to die” and “Why Meditating on Death May Bring Joy to Life”: What the Buddhist Teachers Say About End of Life, Dying, and Palliative Care

Sutra of Golden Light brings “peace and happiness” and “long life”; also, Sutra transmission of Chod, alleviating fear, and healing

Bliss helps us understand Emptiness without nihilism: Vajrayana develops faster insight through the balance of bliss and emptiness, compassion and wisdom, mandala and deity

Healing Parnashavari — Tara’s Healing emanation: specialist in Contagious Disease, Illness, Pandemic: How to practice her mantra and sadhana

Drumming for Mindfulness — a simple way to calm the mind, remove stress and heal. Studies show drum meditation supports treatments of cancer, Parkinsons and depression.